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It's five in the morning. We were informed to meet in parking lot D at 6:30 AM.

Last night, I had packed everything that I will need, including a sketchbook. There's no way I'm leaving without one. I know I'll be too inspired to put it down.

We should arrive there some time tomorrow night.

As I roll my suitcase out the door, I begin to think about Dean.

He'll be with me on this trip the entire time and I'm suppose to keep my distance from him. How will I manage? How will he manage? We made a deal, though. I won't be teasing him, so he better not do the same. One little screw up can cost us.

I walk into the elevator and press the first floor with a yawn. It's way too early, but it's worth it.

If I'm lucky, I'll hardly see Dean. Maybe he'll be too busy chaperoning a different group or hanging around the other professors, who knows. As long as we keep a safe distance between us, then I think I can hold off.

Besides, we shouldn't even be fucking in the first place. The whole idea makes me guilty, but I can't stop myself, resulting me to feel ashamed of what I've just done.

Jeez, I sound like an emotional woman eating ice cream.

The elevator stops on the first floor. I walk out and make my way to the location we're suppose to meet.

Maybe this trip will teach me self control. Perhaps I'll be over him, maybe I'll be able to move on and never look back. Then I won't have to worry about destroying anyone's careers.

* * *

I wanted the window seat, but we were assigned to ones instead like a kindergarten class. They claim that it was the most organized way.

I sit on the end of two seats with two unfamiliar boys. One is really stocky with spiked hair while the other is real scrawny with curly hair. Every now and then, I'll catch them winking at me.

I roll my eyes.

How long until this plane lands?

* * *

It's been about an hour already. It feels longer than that though. I keep trying to sleep it off, but these seats are too uncomfortable, plus, my mind is heavy. I can't stop thinking about Dean.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen him since we went on board. I wonder where he's at. Probably first class.

My bladder then warns me to utilize the restroom. I rise and begin to walk down the aisle, watching my ankle boots step in front of each other one by one.

I blindly bump into a hard figure. Gasping, I back up while softly apologizing.

Dean grins down at me, causing me to blush.

I found him...

"Miss White." He greets.

I bite my lip. "Professor Collins." I welcome back softly.

His expression falls. He then begins to walk past me before stopping beside me and whispering by my ear, "No teasing, Miss White, or I'll be forced to bend you over my knee." He straightens back up and contiues walking.

I remain still, my heart pounding. I think his threat should be count as teasing. He's already making this so hard.

I sigh as I head towards the bathroom.

When I return, I grab my phone out to play my music. I notice a message from Dean and open it.

"Say the word and I'll fuck you in the bathroom."

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