(RS) Draw Me A Picture

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Pairing: Ram Sweeny X Reader
Summary: Ram really likes y/n and he knows that she's a really artsy girl so since he can't draw, he gets somebody to draw some pictures of her for him.
Fun fact: This one was actually inspired by my crush because (if I'm right) he's interested in all arts (or maybe just drawing. Idk) and I find that very cute so 👍👌.
WC: 570
Ahhh, free time in English class, the time where you could talk to your friends and do whatever you want. Or, the time where Ram tries to find out how to get closer to Y/n.

She was like a modern day Leonardo Da Vinci. Everything she drew was perfect. Her paintings always won awards. And that's something Ram admired about Y/n.

Maybe I should draw her some pictures of her and slip it into her locker anonymously, he thought.

So he tried his best to make a portrait of y/n but in his opinion, it was the ugliest thing he'd ever seen. She wouldn't like it if she had seen it. And that's when he had a brilliant idea.

"Hey, Ned!" Ram said.

"Get away from me!" Ned yelled.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you or make fun of you," Ram said. "I'm here to ask for a favor."

"No." Ned said flat out.

"If you do it, I won't bother you for the rest of my life." Ram offered.

"Fine, what do you need?" Ned asked.

"Can you draw me some pictures of y/n so I could give them to her?" Ram asked.

"Fine." Ned replied.

And so Ned drew about 3 pictures of y/n. And boy, was he a great drawer. Ram took a pencil from his pocket and wrote 'Your secret admirer on the bottom right corner of the page.

She's going to the bathroom now. This is the perfect time, Ram thought.

He slipped a drawing onto her binder and continued talking to his friends, taking a few glances over to her desk every few seconds.

After a minute or two, she came back into the classroom. When she saw the drawing, her face lit up. She was even blushing when she saw the signature.

How is it possible that I out of all people have a secret admirer, she thought.

But she recognized that handwriting. The line-backer of the football team.

Wow, she thought. How'd I get someone like him to lay their eyes on me?

She walked over to Ram, even though he was with all his friends. She called them the muscle milk group since they worked out so much.

"Hi Ram. Thanks for the drawing!" She said.
His friends went silent.

"No problem, y/n." Ram replied.

"Like there's so much detail. I've never seen something so magnificent! It's just—wow!" Y/n exclaimed.

The muscle milk group smirked at Ram, ready to make mocking 'lovey-dovey faces at him.

"Well I'm glad you liked it." Ram said.
Y/n was blushing furiously. She hoped he would ask her to homecoming. Though she always thought him and Heather C. had a thing but maybe they didn't.

Ram was hoping she'd step up a bit.

"Well thanks again!" She said and walked back to her desk where she continued to draw her dream garden.

"Dang, Sweeny I didn't know you could draw!" A friend said in fits of laughter.

"You should've asked her to homecoming!" Kurt suggested.

"Yeah, I should've." Ram said, feeling disappointed.

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