A Hoe Never Gets Cold/Sweater Weather

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Pairing: Connor Murphy X Reader (crack!)

Request: "anything Connor Murphy please!!! Him being a cuddly supportive boyfriend would b great 💛"

Summary: It's a very cold day and y/n forgets her jacket at home.

Just a little blurb :)

TW: Curse words, shitty writing


Being stressed out is the worst. Especially when it's early in the morning right before school. My mom drove me to school today because we woke up so late that I missed the bus. I sat in the passenger seat and watched the snow fall. How is it possible that school wasn't cancelled today? My sweater isn't even enough to keep me warm. Where is-oh shit.

"Mom, can you turn up the heat?" I asked. "Where's your jacket?" She asked. "I must have left it at home." I responded. "You need to be more responsible." She shook her head. "I am." I muttered. This is gonna be one hell of a day.

"It's so fucking cold." I groaned as I sat down in my seat for biology. "Yeah the school has obviously never heard of heating." Connor said. "Want my jacket?" He asked. "No. A hoe never gets cold." I smiled. "Okay, y/n." Connor chuckled. As the lesson went on, I was actually really cold. They had to keep this specific classroom cold because of the teacher's picky conditions. I was literally shivering. "Y/n, take my jacket." Connor said. "No cause then you'll get cold." I groaned. "And I'm okay with that." He handed me the black jacket. "Besides, you look cute in it." He smiled.

The rest of the day wasn't too bad but I enjoyed the 4 minutes in between the classes. On most days, Connor walks me to my classes, and today was one of those days. Even though it was hard to walk, Connor would walk behind me with his arms wrapped around me. Connor was a natural heating source so it was really nice. We ended up being late to some of our classes but it was worth it. I live for days like these.

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