(KK + RS) We're Proud

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Pairing: Kurt X Reader X Ram (Polyamorous)
"Hi so this is weird but could you right a Ram x reader x Kurt?" -Anonymous
Summary: Kurt Y/n and Ram had been dating for quite a while but they decided to keep it to themselves. What happens when one of the Heathers sees them?
TW: Screaming, mobile writing (I have to keep it like this until tomorrow because my computer is broken and my new one comes in the mail tomorrow so just you wait fam, just you wait.), a tiny bit of slut shaming.  WC: 703

What is it called for when more than 2 people are in a platonic (let's say leaning more toward the "in love" side)? It's called polyamorous. That's the kind of relationship Kurt Kelly, Ram Sweeny and Y/n L/n had. They'd been dating since eighth grade, now seniors.

They were scared about what their classmates would say about them if they found out. So they decided to keep it a secret. Y/n was friends with the Heathers while Kurt and Ram were on the football team, giving them a lot of attention from the girls.

"Y/n, Heather needs you at the table, pronto." Heather Duke said.

"I'll be right there." Y/n said, waving goodbye to Ram.

"Y/n, we're going to cafe 107 after school today." Heather Chandler announced.

"Ooh, I can't come. I have to take care of my dog." Y/n lied.

"Too bad. You're coming." Chandler said with a sarcastic smile.

Well there goes my date with Kurt and Ram, Y/n thought.

Even though Y/n knew that her friends would probably kill her for not joining them, and didn't care. Being with her boyfriends was more important. Of course, Y/n didn't realize that the restaurant they were going to was right across the street from Café 107. She also didn't realize that they had chosen a window seat.

She also didn't realize that they got there before the Heathers got to café 107 which could've given them the perfect front-row seats to see her secret relationship. Lucky enough, Heather C and M didn't notice the trio at the window but Duke did. And the worst part was that Duke doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.

"Where's Y/n?" Heather C said, starting to get mad.

"You don't know?" Duke said.

"What?" Chandler said.

"She's having a three-way with Kurt and Ram!" Duke said.

"No way!" McNamara said with a laugh.

"That little whore." Chandler said barely above a whisper.

"I know right!" Duke and McNamara said at the same time.

"She better be prepared for tomorrow." Chandler said.


"Hello, everybody!" Chandler yelled, standing on top of her lunch table.

"I have some great news. We have a polyamorous couple in this school!" She yelled.

Y/n's face went red. Kurt and Ram did their best not to show their anger.

"Our 2 favorite football players, Kurt and Ram. And Ohio's little princess, Y/n." Chandler said.

"Are you done, Heather!" Ram yelled.

"I don't think so. Y/n obviously thought that one guy wasn't enough. Could you guys ever imagine what she could have done to these poor jocks!" Chandler accused.

Heather and Heather just sat there and laughed the whole time.

"Y/n's in love, leave her alone." Kurt yelled.

"Not until she admits that she's an attention seeking little skank!" Chandler said.

"I won't admit that I'm an attention seeker or a skank but I will admit that I am in a polyamorous relationship. And I couldn't be happier. The 3 of us love each other and that's all that matters. Love is love is love." Y/n said.

"Well, Y/n. I know who I'm having lunch with tomorrow. Do you?" McNamara asked.

"Yeah, actually. I do. Goodbye, Heathers." Y/n said, moving to the table where her boyfriends where sitting.

The students in the cafeteria applauded the trio who were laughing stocks less than an hour ago.

"I get that we had trouble figuring out how to spill the tea but this was probably the best way." Ram said, making the other two laugh.

And the three stayed together for the rest of their lives. A few years after college, they got married and lived happily ever after.

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