I Saw You At 7/11 Looking A Whole 11/11

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pairing: JD (Jason Dean) X reader

A/N: can we just talk about this title real quick like i am on fire today.

summary: this one takes place right when the heather's and veronica are driving to ram sweeny's house for a party and they stop at 7/11 so that veronica can get heather chandler some cOrNuTs. because veronica's being slow, the 4th heather (just pretend, hun) goes in and gets the cornuts and when she sees JD, she gets shooketh.

TW: Curse words, yelling

's dictionary: l/n: your last name

WC: 561

Oh yeah, and for this one, you need to have seen the movie for the famous lines:

'Do you take German?' -JD

'No. French.' -Veronica

Type: One-Shot


"Veronica, don't forget the cornuts. It's not a party without cornuts!" Heather Chandler spat while she parked her car at a 7/11.

"barbecue or plain?" Veronica asked getting out of the car.

"BBQ!" Heather yelled.

"Remind me why we invited her." i rolled my eyes.

"Because she shows potential." Heather McNamara smiled.

"Yeah, potential for disaster." Heather Duke smirked.

"Shut up, Heather." Heather Chandler yelled.

I always found it funny when they did that. Heather Chandler always thought that Heather Duke was a sad little poser and it was funny to see Heather Duke trying to be the superior when in reality, she was the inferior.

"What's taking her so long!" Heather M groaned.

"It's only been two minutes, Heather. Take a chill pill." Heather D rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, I'll go get her." I announced while getting out of the car.

When I got into 7/11, I saw Veronica talking to that one guy who basically beat up Kurt and Ram at lunch. He was pretty cute up close.

Veronica looked at me and flashed an apologetic smile. I gave her a double thumbs up as in 'I see you.' I then went to the snack section and picked up some sunflower seeds and cadbury egg.

"Will that be it for today, miss?" The cashier asked me.

"One second please," I said. "Veronica, come on. It shouldn't take that long to get cornuts."

"Oh right yeah, sorry." Veronica scrambled over to me and placed the cornuts next to the candy I picked out.

"I thought you said the Heather's were some impolite bitches, Veronica." The guy in the trench coat called out.

"Excuse me?" I looked at Veronica in shock. If anything, we've been the nicest people ever to her. What an ungrateful little biotch!

"I'm Jason Dean, JD for short." The tall guy held out his hand for me to shake.

"Yeah, I'm Heather l/n." I stared at him in annoyance.

"Heather, shake his hand." Veronica nudged me with her shoulder.

"Normally I'd shake the hand of a guy who looks a whole 11 out of 11 but being called a bitch hurts so you just dropped down to an 8." I said, grabbing the bag of candy and leaving the store.

"Heather, pourqoi est-ce que tu as fais ça?" Veronica asked me.

Heather, why did you do that?

"Tu as de la chance. Je ne dirais rien aux autres Heathers." I rolled my eyes.

You're lucky. I won't say anything to the other Heathers.

I looked back into the store to see JD slurping a Big Gulp against the wall.

Maybe being a bitch can be our always, I thought.

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