Welcome To My World

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pairing: john laurens x reader

warnings: john is confused af.

request: i think somebody asked me to do a john laurens x reader where john appears in 2017 and the reader has to show john how things work...

this is from my tumblr account (@ likewinniethepooh or www.likewinniethepooh.tumblr.com)
WC: 474


john didn't know what to expect when he arrived back in new york. he thought he'd be able to see his best friends, alexander and Hercules. but instead, he saw men and women walking in the streets with such odd clothing; shorts, shirts.

what happened to dresses? john thought.

john walked into a bar called 124 rabbit club. there he saw the most beautiful women he had ever seen. he just had to talk to her. 

"hello, miss." john greeted.

"hello. you are?" the gorgeous woman asked.

"john laurens. may i ask what your name is?" john asked.

"my name is y/n and wow! either you're a different john laurens or you're the john laurens my aunts are obsessed with." y/n explained.

john thought for a second. how can people be obsessed with me if they've never even met me?

john sat in the seat next to her's.

"what year is it?" john said, laughing.

"it's 2017. let me guess, you're from 1776?" y/n guessed.

"correct." john confirmed.

"well then, let me show you everything from the future!" y/n said dragging john out of the bar.

"those are cars, those are street lights which indicate when it's safe to cross," y/n explained,

"and, this is a phone." y/n pulled out her phone (i'm not putting a certain type of phone so just insert what kind of phone you want it to be.)

john examined the phone and was shocked. i have to tell my friends about this if i ever get back, john thought.

john looked at the bookshelf in y/n's house. he admired how she loved history so much. in fact, he admired y/n so much! he might even love her more than alexander!

john looked at all the biographies she had. so many familiar names. then he came across his biography. he opened the first page and started reading.

"what are you reading?" y/n asked curiously.

"my biography." john exclaimed.

"okay, john. how about we put that down." y/n suggested.

"what? why?" john asked.

"you could find out how you die. and you might try to prevent that. that could change history forever." y/n explained.

"y/n i must confess to you. you're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen. i would like to court you, if you'll accept?" john asked.

"what do you mean by court?" y/n asked.

"i want to marry you." john said.

"okay how about we start off slowly. you be my boyfriend and we'll take it from there, yeah?" y/n suggested.

"yeah, i like that idea!" john said.

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