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     "Pizza delivery for Mr. Park Jinyoung?" We turned our heads to the delivery guy and the guys yelled "Pizza!" They swarmed the delivery boy, taking the pizza and screaming "Woo!"

     My dad payed him and he was about to leave before Jackson stopped and graciously gave him a slice of pizza. He wrapped his arm around the dude and said "Your hard work will not go unappreciated." In English.

     The guy looked really confused and flustered so he just bowed and left. "Jackson, save the English for when we go to America." My dad said. Silence, complete and utter silence. Everybody had their mouths wide open. "Mwo?" We all asked at the same time.

     He had a mischievous grin on his face. "Appa?" I asked confused. "Surprise! You are having a tour in the states after promotions for "If You Do" in a month!" He yelled.

     "Heol!" BamBam screamed. "Jinja?" Jinyoung asked. My dad nodded and we all screamed. "We are going to the U.S!" Jaebum yelled excitedly.

     The guys and I danced and jumped around while my Dad watched us, laughing. We enjoyed and finished all of the pizza then we went back into the dorm.

     "I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!" Youngjae sang in his adorable broken English. I went into my room and took off my school uniform and put on some joggers and a t-shirt.

      "You look cute." Jaebum said waking in. "No, you do." I giggled. "Fine we both look cute." He said sassily, flipping his imaginary hair.

"I hope I can come on tour with you guys." I said. "You probably will, because you'll have to teach back-up dancers and make sure we are doing the correct stuff on stage." He said. "True."

     I laid down on the bed next to him, looking up at the ceiling. "Your comeback is tomorrow, are you nervous?" I asked. "Only a little. You'll be there at the live performances on M! Countdown and Inkigayo, right?" He asked looking at me.

     I turned my body to face him and I nodded. "Good." He said and tickled me. "Hajima!" I whined and laughed at the same time. "You know you love it." He said giggling. "Let's see if you do too." I said tickling him back.

He started yelling super loud and it hurt my ears. "Aigoo!" I said rubbing them. "Sorry babe." He said, pouting and kissing my ears to make them better.

     "You goofball! Let's go to the living room to see what the guys are doing." I said. We walked out to see them laying around in the living room, doing nothing.

"Yah! Why are you guys so lazy?" Jaebum yelled. Mark sat up and said "We are bored hyung." The other guys nodded in agreement and sat up. "Don't you guys have a vlive account or something? Interact with your fans." I suggested.

Their faces lit up as if it was the best idea in the entire world. "Let's do it! Bambam let's use your phone." Mark said. "But what if I run out of battery?" Bambam pouted. "Just use mine." Yugyeom said handing his phone over.

They started the livestream and viewers were rolling in by the thousands. "Anneong!" The guys said. I was tucked away behind the kitchen counter so they don't see me. "Everyone, meet our new choreographer!" I heard Youngjae say, turning the phone to face me.

I gasped and choked on the grape that I was eating. "Aigoo! What a cluts" Jinyoung said. The comments filled with "SAVAGE JINYOUNG" and "JINYOUNG'S SAVAGERY IS OF ANOTHER KIND."

I giggled and Jaebum said "Isn't her laugh so adorable?" to the viewers. But that was when everything went downhill. There were a bunch of comments that were saying "ARE THEY DATING?" "JAEBUM OPPA IS MINE" "SHE DOESN'T DESERVE HIM" and "IS THAT THE UGLY GIRL FROM THE ICE CREAM SHOP?"

I felt a bit sad that they would hate so easily so I just went into my room to get away from the screen. I picked up my evee pillow and I felt a tear drop. "Stop it Hye Mi you are better than this." I mumbled under my breathe and wiped away my tears.

Jaebum quickly opened the door and looked at me when a sorry and sad expression. He sat down on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me tight.
I felt more tears coming and they were dropping on his shirt.

"I'm sorry babe. Don't listen to them. I love my fans to death but sometimes they don't really understand that I'm a human too and that I can have a girlfriend. I'm the one who chose this career so I have to accept the fact that fans will hate on the people that I care about. It crushes me to see you cry because of me."

I looked up at him and said "Andwae. It's not your fault. I chose this path to date you and I will have to accept the extra little difficulties that come with it because I care about you so much. I'm just not so used to it yet."

He put his hand on my head, placing it on his shoulder. "Thank you for understanding. And please stick and believe in me Hye Mi, because I will always be here for you."

I nodded my head against his shoulder and wiped all of the tears away. "Cheer up baby, cheer up baby!" Jaebum sang sweetly into my ear. I giggled and moved my head off of his shoulder.

"And by the way, you need to stop stealing my evee pillow at night." I said, playfully pouting. "But I need something to cuddle at night." He whined but then a smile appeared on his face. "Wait! Is this an invite to cuddle with you at night?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

I scoffed but then whispered "Maybe." "Aigoooo!" He screamed and jumped on top of me. "My first ever cuddle buddy that isn't Youngjae!"

18 July 17

(COMPLETED) CHOREOGRAPHER TO LOVER ( JB OF GOT7 FF)Where stories live. Discover now