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     "Hye Mi, may I speak with you a bit?" The manager asked me in the green room. "Yea! Of course." I replied, following him to the outside hallway.

     "Ok, since our last performance in Chicago, I noticed that the fans somewhat get bored while they wait for the boys to come out." He said.

     "Ne. But it's natural to get really anxious over idols. We play the guys' music videos too though so they aren't too bored." I tried to justify.

      "We want to do something more to have them excited for our boys. I came up with an idea and ran it by your father. How do you feel about teaching really easy choreo to IGOT7s?"

     My eyes went wide. "Mwo?" I asked. "How do you feel abou-" "I heard you the first time!" I yelled.

     "But do you think that they will enjoy it?" I asked him nervously. "That's why we should try it tonight." He smirked.

     "Hmmm I don't know." I said rocking back and forth. "You get a raise." He added in. "Araso. I'm down."


     "Hye Mi, let's get you mic'd up." A stage manager called me. I nodded and left the empty room that I have been practicing in for about an hour now.

     He clipped the mic around my waist and I snaked it up my shirt so it could clip right under my chin.

     I quickly smoothed my clothes out which consisted of a Got7 tshirt that I cut into a crop top, a black sports bra under, and some ripped skinny jeans.

     "Stage call! Stage call!" The manager whispered, slightly pushing me up the stairs, almost making me fall on my face.

     I walked up the last 3 steps and made my presence to the crowd. I looked at all of the fans' faces and some were happy to see me but most of them were confused.

     I centered myself in the middle of the stage and began with "Hi everybody or Annyeong!"

     The fans cheered and lightened up a bit. "My name is Park Hye Mi, but you can just call me Hye Mi so it's easier. We are all friends here right?" I asked. They all screamed "Yea!" And I giggled.

     "I am GOT7's personal choreographer as of their last comeback with "If You Do." I told them.

     They were all pretty silent and listened to me which I really appreciate. "Who here knows the choreography to that song? Raise your hand!"

     About 20-30 people raised their hand and I said "Alright, alright. For the fans who don't know it, I will be showing you the basic movement to it. Is that ok?" I asked.

    They all cheered and clapped. "Awesome! I want everyone to get up and try. That means you too parents!" I said pointed to the older people that I saw.

     They laughed and all stood up along with the younger fans. "Let's get it! So this is Bambam and Jinyoung's part in the dance. We will be learning the non-mirrored version so when you see the guys dance, you'll be going in the same direction.

     Go ahead and turn to your right. You will start by stepping out with your front foot, slowly gliding it back and then alternating with your other back leg." I demonstrated for them.

     They all tried and did it pretty well. "Ok! Great job! Next part is what you do with your hands. Put your left arm up, pointing your index finger."

     I showed them and they followed. "Now spin it around like you are going crazy. Then when they sing the word "fool" you swipe your hair back like this."

     "Let's start from the top!" I said excitedly. The music played and I yelled "Go!" They all began to dance and did an amazing job.

     "Nice work! You guys sure do pick up fast. And also, it looks like the guys are almost ready to come up on stage and perform! I hope you liked this and make sure to dance when "If You Do" is playing. I'll be watching to make sure you do!" I laughed.

     "Thank you!" They all screamed and I bowed, leaving the stage. I stepped down the stairs and lifted my head to see Jaebum.

    He opened his arms wide and I fell into them. "You did great, babe!" He said, kissing the top of my head. "Thank you. I don't know how you stay up on stage for so long. I felt like fainting." I said as my legs gave out.

     His strong arms held me up and dragged me to the hallway where it was quiet. "I love you, Oppa...." I said popping the p and poking his lips.

    He smiled, poking mine back and saying "I love you too." His cheeks were super red and I couldn't help but kiss them.

    "I like it when you call me Oppa." He said, stroking my hair. "Why? I asked, playing with the hem of his collar. "I don't know." He chuckled.

     "Is it a turn on?" I whispered in his ear. I felt his Adam's apple move up and down due to him swallowing hard.

     "Mmh." He mumbled, looking down. Suddenly, I felt something strange poke my stomach.

     I looked down, seeing a huge bulge in his tight, black skinny jeans. "Huh!" I said loudly. He quickly shushed me and looked both ways to see if anyone was coming.

     "Oppa! You have a boner!" I whispered to him. "I think I know that, Hye Mi." He muttered, embarrassed. "Please be back stage in 5 minutes!" The manager yelled to the guys.

     I quickly turned to him with wide eyes. "What do we do?" I freaked out. "Help me get rid of it!" He whisper yelled. "Um-uh-uh." I said flustered.

     I then stomped down on his foot, hard. "Aish!!!" He yelled, bending down. I covered his mouth until the scrutinizing pain I put him through was gone.

    He stood up straight, slightly hopping on the other foot that I didn't step on. I looked down to his private area to see that the big bulge was gone.

     "It went away! We did it!" I said happily, putting up my hand for a high five. He winced, slowly raising his hand to meet mine. "Ya, thanks for that." He choked out. I gave him a tight hug. "Anytime Oppa!"

30 July 17

(COMPLETED) CHOREOGRAPHER TO LOVER ( JB OF GOT7 FF)Where stories live. Discover now