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   (Jaebum's POV)

"And I'll room with Mark." Hye Mi said as she walked to the front desk to get the keys for our rooms.

     Currently, we are in the beautiful city of New York and it's 11:30 in the morning, meaning that I have a lot of time to talk to Hye Mi, hopefully.

     She decided to room with Mark instead of me but I get it; she is still mad. "Here you go." Hye Mi said, handing me the key to Youngjae and I's room.

     "Long time no see, brotha!" Youngjae said, slinging an arm around me as we walked to the elevator. "Yah! We sat next to each other on the plane like 30 minutes ago." I laughed. "But still." He pouted and let go.

     We settled into our room and decided to chill out a bit. "Why didn't you room with your girlie-fran?" He teased, jumping onto my side of the bed.

     "I'll be with her soon." I said, hitting him with a pillow. "Oh you wanna go?" He asked, sitting up. "Andwae! I'm good." I said, backing away. "That's what I thought." He scoffed.

     I began to hear talking outside of our room. Quickly running to the door, I put my ear against it to listen.

     "Mark, are you sure you don't want to go work out?" Hye Mi whined from the other side of the door. "What, are you saying that I need it?" He asked.

     There was a slight pause before she said "Okay, annyeong!" The door closed and I turned around. This is my chance.

     I quickly changed into some basketball shorts and a tank top before leaving the room. "What am I going to say to her? What if I screw everything up!" I argued with myself in the elevator.

     The door opened and I walked to the gym, seeing her stretching. "Gametime." I whispered, swinging the door open.

     She had her earbuds in so she couldn't sense that I was there. I watched her as she began to run on the treadmill.

     Aigoo! How do I get her attention now? I'll just have to wait when she is done doing her workout.

     I walked to the dumbbells and began to lift to waste time. This gave me time to think about what I should say too which is good.

    I was caught off guard my her saying "It's up to you if you wanna break up. I don't care. Just do whatever you want. It doesn't matter to me. I'll just go to sleep."

     It took me a while to realize that she was singing "If You Do." Her saying that made so much sense though. It is up to me if we stay together or not. That's why I need to fix everything.

(Hye MI's POV)

     My playlist ended and I decided to get off the treadmill for the day. That was a good run. I grabbed my water bottle and chugged it all down. Damn I'm dehydrated.

     Walking out of the gym, I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said in English as I looked up. It was Jaebum and his face was red.

     "Are you ok?" I asked, taking a step back. "Uh-um ya. Can we talk Hye Mi?" He asked with a shaky voice.

     "I don't know, Jaebum I-" He cut me off by saying "It's up to me if we breakup or not. Please..." he pleaded.

     I was at a loss for words so I just nodded. Did he just quote his own song? We sat down across from each other on two benches.

     "I-i know what you saw that night was horrible. And I know that it's caused you so much pain. But, it's not what you think, at all." He said, looking down at the ground.

     "Then what was it? I don't really know what else it could have been at this point." I choked out.

     "I'll start from the very beginning. Is that ok?" He asked, finally looking up at me. I nodded, shuffling in my seat to get more comfortable.

     "Throughout my high school years, I wasn't really interested in girls except for senior year. That was the year that everything really fell apart....

     I met a girl named Yoo Baek Hee. At first she was really nice and I had a huge crush on her, but then we started to date. The girl bossed me around and ultimately abused me, physically and verbally.

     It was a living hell for me every time that she made me meet with her. She eventually moved to the states and dropped me as if I was nothing.

     It took me a long time to heal after that both mentally and physically. I haven't dated anyone since, until I was blessed to meet you."

     He took a long breathe and began again, saying "I didn't know that the girl from the Korean Barbecue was her. She changed her appearance a lot.

     And that night when you saw us, it wasn't me who kissed her. She found another way to abuse me again by forcing me into a kiss, that she made sure you saw.
I'm so sorry, Hye Mi.." He finished off.

At this point, I'm drowning in tears. I feel so horrible for ignoring him now. "Why didn't you tell me about her?" I asked him, wiping my nose.

     "I didn't want to bring the memory of her back into my life after I spent so long trying to get rid of it." He said.

     "I'm sorry too. I ignored you and got mad for no reason without knowing your situation." I said, trying not to cry even more.

     I saw his eyes water up but he covered it  quickly. Out of no where, he pulled me into a sweaty hug.

     "Hye Mi." He said, backing away and holding my shoulders as he knelt in front of me. "Ne?" I asked him slowly.

"I love you."

28 July 17

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