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"Hey Hye Mi, did you spill your water bottle?" Jaebum asked. "Mwo? I haven't taken a break yet." I replied, stopping the music that was playing.

"Ummm-look." He said, pointing to a puddle of liquid on the floor. I suddenly felt something wet running down my legs.

"Holy Sh-" "My water broke!" I screamed. "Ok-ok-um-we should go to the hospital." He said, trying to sound calm.

"Kaja!" He left, running out of the door. "Im Jaebum! You forgot something!" I yelled, holding onto the mirrored wall for support.

"What? I think I have everything! I got your hospital bag and everything." He said, coming back.

"Oppa, I sorta can't walk." I said slowly to him. His eyes widened and looked at my current state.

"Right. Sorry." He said, wrapping an arm around my waist, leading me out of the studio and into the elevator.

"Ugh!!!!" I grunted, holding onto the railing tightly. "Mwo? Are you ok?" Jaebum asked, looking scared as ever.

"I think I'm having contractions." I whispered, taking deeb breathes in and out.

"We're at the lobby." He said, rushing me out and into the company van that was on stand by.

(At the hospital)

"I will be putting the IV in now." The nurse informed me. "Dear God." I whispered, leaning into Jaebum's arm that was around my neck.

"Shhhhh don't think about it." He whispered, petting my head. "Say something to make me not think about it." I whined, clenching my eyes.

"Think about how funny I looked with grey hair during "Girls, Girls, Girls" era." I thought of it and began to laugh my butt off.

"You-you were so ugly. Like a grandpa beaver." I wheezed out. "Yah!" He yelled, pulling away from me.

I looked down at my arm to see that the IV was in and taped down. "Hey it worked! I didn't even feel the pain!" I said.

"My heart did." He said, wiping away a fake tear. "Awww I'm sorry." I said, punching his arm.

"It's ok. I'll just blame it on the pregnant hormones." He replied. I huffed, squirming in the hospital bed.

"Ughhhh!" I screamed, clenching his hand. "Does it hurt that much?" He asked, sitting down on a chair.

"You try squeezing out a 10cm round object out of your vagina!" I screamed. "Touché." He said, pulling away his hand.

"Are the guys coming?" I asked. "Maybe. Jackson really wants to but Yugyeom is too scared."

I laughed and accidentally pushed a bit. "Yah! Be careful. The nurse said to not push too hard unless you want the baby to shoot out without a doctor to catch it." He warned me. "Heheheh sorry......."


"Alright! Seems as if you are fully dilated. You ready to pop this baby out?" The doctor asked, spreading my legs out further.

I nodded, grabbing at Jaebum's hand. "Are you sure you guys wanna see this?" I asked them as they stood on both sides of me.

"Yes!" "No!" Jackson and Yugyeom both said at the same time. "It's not like I would actually let you two idiots look down there." Jaebum said.

"You can just look from my perspective, where you can see NOTHING." I said, smiling at them.

They all nodded, smiling at me. "Fighting!" Marks said. "Fighting!" I replied, taking a deep breathe.

"Ok. Hye Mi, if you could start pushing..." the doctor said. I began pushing out, taking a breathe, and repeating.

"And there is the head!" The nurse standing next to the doctor said happily.

Jaebum leaned over and took a look saying, "Wowwww." I began to push harder. "Ahhhh!" I screamed.

"Almost there! Just need to get the shoulders through!" The doctor said. I pushed hard one last time and felt everything come out all at once.

"And here we have a boy!" The nurse said. I looked over to Jaebum to see that he was crying.

I smiled, and cried with him. "It's a boy." He whispered. I nodded as the tears fell down.

"Wayyyyyyhhhh!" The baby screamed out. I feeling of relief rushed through me as I heard his voice.

"Here you go." The nurse said, handing the little baby boy to me. "Awww." I cried out, pressing him close to me chest.

Jaebum reached over and lightly caressed his head. "What should his name be?" I asked him. "I have been thinking about this for a while so, how about Im Min Ho?" He asked.

"I like it." I giggled, looking down at Min Ho. "He has so much hair." Jinyoung said. "No way! Hyung! He has the same two moles as you!" BamBam pointed out.

"He does." I smiled. "Alright I'm going to go ahead and clean Min Ho up if that is ok with you." The nurse asked.

"Of course." I said, handing over the baby. "Good job, babe." Jaebum whispered, kissing me on the lips.

"You are a Dad now!" Youngjae yelled. "Hyung you are getting so old!" Jackson said. Jaebum slightly smiled, trying to hide it from his group members.

"Min Ho is 8 pounds exactly." The nurse announced. "He's fat like you, hyung." Yugyeom murmured. "You bastard." Jaebum said, flicking his forehead. "Aish!" He whined, trying to rub the pain away.

12 August 17

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