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(3 months later)
  "Where is she?" I heard my Dad yell, trying to find me. "Aigoo the ceremony is starting in 5 minutes! Where could she possibly be?"

     I accidentally chewed on my hot cheetos to loud, causing me to slightly gasp before covering my own mouth quickly with my hand.

     I listened, but heard silence. Phew thank goodness. Out of no where, the door to the closet yanked open, revealing my stressed out father.

     "Really?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry! I got nervous and I didn't know what to do. I really needed some alone time to calm myself down before I had an anxiety attack." I whined.

     "Huh! Hye Mi! You'll be bloated if you keep eating those! You might even break out because of the junk food right on your honeymoon and Jaebum will not want to sleep with you at all!" Lisa yelled, popping her head into view.

     "Um Hye won't be sleeping with anybody." My dad butted in. "Whatever, let's just get to the ceremony. Kaja!" Lisa said, pulling me up from out of the closet.

     "You look good. You got this. Just make sure to smile naturally and give your fiancé full attention. Araso?" She asked, holding my gown up so I didn't step on it.

     I slightly nodded, trying to stay calm. My dad interlinked his arms with mine as we stood outside of the entrance.

     "You ready?" He asked, taking in a deep breathe. "Um-*cough* *cough* yes. I'm ready." I nervously said, fidgeting in my heels.

      The wedding song started to play loudly. "Game time!" Lisa whispered, opening the doors for us.

     As soon as I looked inside of the room, I saw all of the quests looking at only one person, me.

     I cowered under their gaze and looked down. "Look up, sweat pea. This is your big day." My dad whispered, slightly elbowing me.

     I still didn't look up because I was afraid. "Look up, the man that you are marrying is waiting for you." He whispered again.

     This time I looked up immediately, putting a smile on my face. The guests returned smiles to me and gave me thumbs ups. Some were crying like Yugyeom and Jaebum's mom.

     I giggled slightly a followed my dad down the aisle. I made eye contact with Jaebum. He looked like he was trying to hide is emotions, but I saw a tear slide down his face.

     His body was stiff, him holding his hands together tightly and biting on his lip. His suit made him look so handsome and manly, showing off his perfectly put up hair and muscles.

     I blushed, thinking about him and how he was crying because of me. My dad and I finally reached the front of the reception.

     Letting go of me, my dad pulled Jaebum into a hug, patting his back a few times. When he went to go sit down, I saw some tears streaming down him face too. Now I'm going to want to cry!

     "You look gorgeous." Jaebum said, taking my hand and kissing it. I smiled saying, "And you look amazing, Oppa."

     We walked to where the person who will ordain us stood. As the man began to talk to the audience, Jaebum and I just stared at eachother.

     Him, looking at my brown orbs and me, looking at his, along with the twin moles that sat very cutely on his eyelid.

     We were cut off when the man asked us for our vows. Jaebum went first and messed up a few times and choked on his words which was very cute.

     I felt the tears sliding off my chin and onto my white gown. He finished and I began to recite mine.

     I had spent hours writing the vows down on paper and trying to remember them but this time, I just winged it because I was so nervous.

     He smiled at my cuteness while talking and squeezed my hand, reassuring me that I was doing fine.

     We both finished up our vows and I do's, making sure to soak up every word and look that we shared.

     "You may now kiss the bride." The man announced, closing his book and smiling at us.

     Jaebum looked at me very excitedly and grabbed my waist. He pulled me close to him, bending us over a bit and kissing me passionately.

     We let go of each other and looked to the crowd. They were all clapping and crying for us. We both bowed to them and waved.

     "Kaja!" Jaebum said, taking my hand and leading me out of the room. We walked outside to see our "Newly Wed" car.

     "Have fun on your honeymoon!" Youngjae yelled. "Yea, tell us all about it!" Jackson yelled with him.

     "No! Don't tell us everything!" Jinyoung warned. We both chuckled, getting into the car and opening the window.

     "Annyeong!" Gomawo!" We yelled out the window to the crowd on the sidewalk. "Annyeong! We'll miss you!" They yelled back.

     We took off, panting from all of the energy that we had just received and given off. "That was fun." I laughed.

     "Yea. But the place we are going now will be way funner." Jaebum smiled. "Wait are we going to the airport dressed like this?" I asked

     "Who ever gets to say that they've been in an airport wearing a wedding gown or a really fancy suit? Not many." He said, smirking.

     "Alrighty! Flying on a plane to Jeju Island wearing wedding attire for a honeymoon it is!"

6 August 17

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