3. Bloody knuckles

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Just like every usual morning, I walk into school. Of course, rumors and the big news from yesterday are still floating around in everyone's mind. Since I have seen and associated with Pablo in real life, I could clear up some rumors. For Example, I don't think Pablo comes home every night, has a good sleep, and watches Barney in the morning. Maybe it was just me, but he doesn't seem to be entertained with Barney.

Every one had questions, even me, but I just knew how to control it better. I went to class after putting my biology book in my locker and took out the needed books. I had a mental fight if I should sit in my seat or go somewhere else to sit. That was decided for me, when the meanie had his groupies, including handsome Prince Charming, were out of my seat and to the back seats on either side of it. I sit in the middle back seat, which still made them close-by but I was still happy to finally sit on my seat.

I smiled and walked towards it. As I was getting closer, I realized that all of the meanie's groupies were laughing at a joke, but not him. I also noticed how he was the only one sitting in the seat right next to me, unlike his groupies. I sigh, my smile kind of dropping, but none the less, taking my seat.

I ignored him as best as I can, I don't even know who this boy is. I have seen him around and heard his name but I couldn't remember it. I could feel him glancing at me, a lot. I got curious and finally looked towards him but he was already looking back at me. I took that time to further inspect his face.

His jaw line and cheekbones were angled and defined too. He had a straight nose although it was slightly bumpy like it was broken, hooded grayish-blue colored eyes, and full pink lips. He had a nice tan to him, like a chicken nugget that was left 5 minutes too long in the oven. His hair was dark, looked like he tried brushing it but still managed to be messy. He was over all handsome, hot even with his hands in his pockets and relaxed attitude.

My eyes snapped back to his, he has no shame so neither will I. His eyebrows furrow and he shakes his head quickly and looks in front of him, it was as if he was telling himself not to give attention to something. I just kept staring at him to see how uncomfortable he'll get. He just looked straight ahead, ignoring me but I saw his body was tensed up a bit. I was about to ask what was wrong but heard the teacher finally come in, so I faced the front again.

Knowing that I gotta make my parents proud, I took notes like there was no tomorrow. Soon the bell rang and everyone filed out of class to head to their next. I took this chance to wait for meanie outside so I could ask what his problem was but he rushed past me.

"Hey, wait!" I shout while speed walked towards him, but he seemed like he was trying to get away from me. I kept following him, until we were heading towards the less crowded part of the school. The warning bell rang and he took a sharp turn to the right. I followed him, only a few seconds behind, but he wasn't there. I froze not knowing what direction to go to.

I just wanted to ask what's wrong, am I that scary that he has to run away? I gotta stop working out, these arms are scaring the big boys at school. I'm so tempted to kiss my arm muscles and pose, but I don't have any muscles and I don't really work out. My whole existence is like a total lie bro.

Anyways, I don't hear anything moving, it's like no one was even here. "Um, if you didn't want to talk you could have just said so," I said in a quiet voice. I turned around ready to leave but someone's sneeze made me stop. I followed the noise to the janitor's closet. I opened the door to find wide greyish-blue eyes and a hand over his nose. He needs a tissue. I reach into my back pocket to take the pouch of folded tissues, I took one out and handed it to him.

He looked at it then at me with questioning eyes. Was he scared I would bite or something? "Don't worry I won't bite," I pause. "Not unless you want me to," I say playfully, trying to lighten up the mood. Cringe.

He makes a disgusted face and snatches my tissue. I can tell it was forced....well, it better be. Who wouldn't want a piece of this? Like I mentioned before, I'm potty trained so who can resist. And no, I am not a dog, if that's what your thinking. I'm actually not bad looking, I consider myself pretty hot. It boosts my confidence, that way if I don't get a boyfriend, I can depend on my ego to make me happy.

After he was done wiping his 'sneeze' off of everything, I reached into my bag for my hand sanitizer. I motioned for him to get his palm out and I poured hand sanitizer into his hands. He began to rub it onto his hands, but winced in pain. Hand sanitizer doesn't do that shit, not unless you have an open cut.

I knelt down and gently grabbed his hand to check it. His hand was rough but smooth at the same time. I turned it around and gasped, his knuckles were red with some dried blood, like it was cleaned before but not thoroughly. He snatches his hand out of my grasp. I look up to have my brown eyes meet his cold ones. I slowly reach back with a raised eyebrow and grab his hand slowly. That's right, you ain't getting rid of me that fast.

I set my book-sack by me so I can get my first aid kit out of my bag. Long story short, my dad won't let me leave anywhere without it because I fell off a tree last year and it didn't look so good nor reassuring.

"I don't want your help," he said, trying to pull his hand away roughly. But I was prepared so I pulled back and glared.

"Well too bad, cuz your getting it," I say. "The faster I can finish, the faster you can leave, so just relax." I was kind of excited, my grandfather used to take me to his work at the hospital all the time, and it was the first time I got to do this. My grandpa would be so proud, probably high too, the old man is into drugs and crap now. Exciting I tell ya.

I look down at his knuckles and trace a little to see if there are any broken bones to worry about. Soon enough I grabbed a cloth and put some hand sanitizer in it. I get rid of all the dried up blood and brought out a bandage. I cut it shorter with my safety scissors, and wrapped it properly. Aww I'm so proud. I place it down gently towards his knees and grab his other one. I do the same to it and place it gently on his other lap. I smile triumphantly to myself and start packing my stuff.

I finally zipped up my bag and got up smoothing out my blouse. I swung my bag over my shoulder and was ready to leave.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Why what?" I reply.

"You don't even know me," He said. "Why are you helping me?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

"And I was rude to you yesterday, so why?" He asked again.

"There's nothing wrong with helping someone," I said, turning around to leave. The warning bell rang a long time ago, I'll probably get in trouble if I don't leave soon.

I could feel his stare until I walked out of his sight. I still don't even know his name.

The day went by as usual, I was just happy that my mom could take me home. I was not ready, mentally nor physically, to run for my life again.


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