7. Fridays, cry babies, and tight hugs.

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Today was the day that everyone loved and enjoyed. Friday. As usual, I walk into first hour. The good news was that the project ends when we turn in the baby on Monday, the day we come back. The bad news was that we can't use the key card more than once and I would have to meet up with Ryan after our awkward moment, so he can take the baby for the weekend.

Yes, you heard right, he played himself. How? U might ask, well I said I would take the baby on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, that's 3 days, but he agreed to the rest of the week, which is 4 days. Your not imagining stuff, I really did just do math.

I walk in and see Ryan laughing with his friends about something, Grayson was there but he wasn't laughing. He had a straight face and seemed lost in his thoughts, while sitting by his friends in the corner. I don't think laughing is his thing, I saw him chuckle once maybe but that's it. I heard that Ryan and Grayson were like best friends but they're opposites. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I realized I have been staring at them for too long when one of the groupies made eye contact with me. I heard he was their third best friend, his name was Logan I think. He smirked at me and jerked his head up as if saying what's up. I raised an eyebrow and gave a sarcastic smile. I saw his friends turn around confused, and I looked at them wide eyed. Great now I'm scared.

I tell myself to relax and shake my head, looking away. "Boys," I say with mock disappointment. I see Logan's mouth drop, but I walk to my seat and shrug the uncomfortableness off.

Soon enough the teacher enters and Ryan is beside me with the baby, I don't look at him though. I'm scared to see his expression after the show that went on minutes before. I am such an epic fail, honestly.

I concentrate on the teacher talking about the baby's log and detention for a while, but then Ryan clears his throat. I look at him startled. "I have the baby for tomorrow," he says. "Do you want me to just take him today? That way it would be easier on you..." He continues.

I smile at his nice gesture. I can't stay uncomfortable with him, he's just too sweet. "It's ok, I can handle it," I say still smiling. "Thank you, though."

"No problem," he says smiling back. He pushes the baby towards me and the baby burps.

I take it and stare at it for a while, the bell interrupts me and I go to my next class.


It was the class second last to lunch and the baby suddenly cried. Again. I can't handle it anymore. I have fed it, and changed it's diaper, I don't know what to do. I totally regret declining Ryan's offer, I can't take this bullshit anymore really. I reluctantly stand up and excuse myself to the teacher, going to grab the baby. I see the sympathetic looks I'm getting as I rock the baby for a while and it doesn't stop. The plastic thing just won't calm down.

When I feel like I'm going to cry, I put the baby on the table and step back. I've seen Ryan handle this thing in the cafeteria before, so I call him despite my teachers threat of detention.

As soon as he answers, I start with my frustrated rant. "That's it. I can't take it anymore, gummy bear won't stop crying and I can't do anything. I haven't had peace in three hours for god sake. You better get your butt here Ryan. NOW." I hang up, breathing heavily.

When I've calmed my breathing a bit, I look at the little crapper that started this. The shit keeps crying and I can't handle it. "3 hours, you little devil," I say harshly.

I glare at the plastic shit for a while, imagining how to get rid of it. Sad part is that I took him back this morning. I'm a disappointment. I think I could only handle it before because I had the master key, which I no longer have.

I hear the door open and Ryan steps in breathing heavily, like he was running. He meets my horrified face, then follows the noise to the little crying baby. He goes ahead and grabs it. He walks out with it and I follow him out and close the door behind me.

I watch him as he starts rocking the baby and saying," shhhh," to calm it down. I watch as it slowly comes to a stop. I was so happy that I could hug him, and so I did. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tight. I felt him tense but soon, he hugged me back with one arm around my waist, holding the baby with the other and rested his chin on my head. I would have felt self conscious if I wasn't this happy.

I sighed in relief, he even smells good, like pine trees. I was pulling away but he tightened his hold. "Stay," he said. I went back into his hold, shrugging. I knew my hugs were good, but not this much.

After a while, I heard him sigh then speak. "I'll take him till lunch, but you have to sit with me today at lunch," I heard him say. I was confused as to why he would want me there. I wasn't rich nor handsome. Obviously, because your a chick. I wasn't a bimbo either.

I slowly looked up to see his face, to see if he was kidding. He was serious, looking back at me. We were close, we somehow always end up like this, so I nod and step away. I start walking away but stop.

"Ryan?" I say.

"Yes, Rose," he said softly. Swoon...

"Thank you," I say just as gently with a smile. He smiled back and nodded. I walked into class and ignored the stares. I'm not bipolar, I promise.

The classes went on and I was happy. The little plastic crapper isn't here.


Hope you enjoyed, boos but vote and comment if you like, I would appreciate it.

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