12. Phase three

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I wake up with a throbbing pain in my brain. That rhymed. I felt like I couldn't move at all, but at least I'm in the comfort of my bed.

My bed? But how did I get to my bed? What happened last night?

Last thing I remembered was me drinking a lot of alcohol. I try standing up but fail. I sit back down and hold my head. Bits and pieces of the memories flood in.


I puked into the toilet and felt someone hold my hair. The door was closed and I was about done puking. I stopped and looked up to Grayson, the one holding my hair.

I slowly stand up to go to the sink. With the help of Grayson, I made it there without somehow making out with the floor.

I wash my face and gurgle water around in my mouth. I'm trying to clean myself up before the next phase of this explosion happens. The first phase is the blurry vision and clumsiness, second is vomiting, third is the fainting.

I know, I'm a gift to the world. I finish hurriedly so I can make a run for it before I faint. I look to Grayson. "Take me home," I manage to slur out to him. I hope he can handle garbage because I'm already here. Ha ha...no.

He nods with a worried face. I start sprinting down the stairs but trip forward and feel myself falling. I was either flying or dying of embarrassment. I thought I would hit the floor but I felt someone hold me from meeting my death. I look around with shocked eyes, I meet Grayson's eyes.

I tell him a quick thank you for saving me. I started down the stairs again and I would have fell again if it weren't for Grayson. Phase three is starting. I suddenly feel lifted, bridal style. My eyes shut on their own, and I grab some of his shirt. That way if I go down, I'll drag him down with me.

Now I call that evil but effective.

I hear familiar voices for my friends panicking and another of Grayson. They were arguing, I can feel the anger radiating off of Grayson. He was mad and I can hear my friends panic. They were close, really close. Crowding us and It starts getting hard to breath, they were all too close.

I start trying to catch my breath and claw at my chest to try to help the pain. I squeeze the fabric in my other hand to try getting his attention, I was contemplating squeaking out a 'help me' like in the movies but I wasn't able to talk.

Suddenly someone shouts, I flinched. The persons voice was so in control and powerful, I would run if I had the power. I would also run if that person wasn't the one carrying me. Bummer.

"Back off, all of you!" Grayson continues to shout dangerously. "Now," he growls. He is Pablo, for sure. I have my eyes closed ever since he carried me, but I still feel everyone back away.

My breathing goes back to normal after a couple of seconds. The music was no longer playing and I hear people whispering.

I feel someone else suddenly grab my hand, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you. God, Rose I'm sorry, I should have known this would happen." It was Katie, she sounded like she was gonna cry. Did I look that bad? I thought I looked cute, tbh. #faintedselfie

If I suck in my cheeks like a fish, how scared will they be...? I wanna creep them out real quick. But I have no energy.

I couldn't talk but I squeezed her hand in reassurance. I feel her hand release mine and two new voices come in.

Logan says,"What's going on?"


Ryan asks,"Is she okay?" Do I look dead?


He starts walking and stops. "We need to get out of here," he says to someone. I hear Logan and Ryan's voice tell people to move, then we are on the move again.

Wow bet they cleared the floor for me, if I had energy I would definitely bust a move. Dang I felt like a star... but like more sick.

I feel the cold wind blowing on my face and legs. I shiver and try to take Grayson's body heat away to keep myself warm. It doesn't work so I start shivering more and I try to hide my cold face in his shirt.

"You are honestly too much," he says to me. You need to see what my parents are going through.

Soon enough, I was placed into a car. Someone was really close to me, probably Grayson. I heard the seatbelt click and the straps were on me. He started slowly backing away and I sniffed the air. He smelled nice, like mint and a hint of cologne.

He stopped shuffling suddenly. I could feel him staring at my face. Probably looking at how hot I am.

"Did you just smell me?" He asked in disbelief. Ok, not my hotness I guess. I could sense how he was trying not to laugh. Right then, I couldn't even feel the wind anymore.

That's right. Ya girl finally passed out.

**End of flashback**

Well, I embarrassed myself in front of a whole gang leader, but I am home safely. I guess everything went well and he didn't shoot me. I think I passed out for the whole ride, since I can't remember anything else.

I spent the rest of my weekend away from people. Even ignored every text and phone call, I've had enough trouble. I didn't ask for gummy bear back from Ryan, I decided I am a bad mother.

I disowned myself as a parent.

I gave my mom the promised alcohol and she was happy. My dad gave me and my mom disappointed looks.

I kept thinking about how Grayson helped me, he could have left me on my own and went back to look for the bimbo but he stayed and helped me. Knowing who he is, it warms my heart knowing that he helped me.

I have to hug him and thank him when I see him. I obviously owe him one, I don't know how because he has money, a gang, and connections. I can't give him anything basically.

I can give him my friendship and I can forever keep his secret. I am very helpful, so I can also eat food. I can make sure all his food is safe to eat....I'll eat food to save his life.


Hope ya enjoyed. Vote and comment of course. Thanks if ya did.

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