24. Your Ex-girlfriend.

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Rose's POV

I stood there. At that door way. Looking straight at Grayson. Yet he didn't know me.

Is this some type of joke? How can he forget me? I'm pretty sure he can't forget me.

I looked at him confused. "Hey Logan?" I turned around again to look at Logan, ignoring the very enraged boy that claimed to not have known me.


"Jokes over now, I'm going home." I said as I stepped away, still facing him. I was backing up towards the way we arrived.

"Ok," he says, shrugging.

I nodded and stepped away once more. I don't really feel like playing games right now, I'm glad he's ok and in the mood to joke around but I'm not.

How childish. I looked at Grayson and rolled my eyes. "Grow up, will you?"

His jaw dropped but I simply turned around to leave without a care.

I suddenly felt a tight grip around my wrist and was flung around with the wind.

Grayson was so mad. Like SO MAD. He never got that mad at me, his eyes held no remorse. "Just who the hell do you think you are!?" He shouted. "You can't ignore my question like that, don't you know who I am?!"

"Yes. Very well actually," I retaliated. "What the f%#@ you think you're doing?" I yank my arm out of his.

You kiss your momma with that mouth? Dirty imbecile. Shut up brain, this is important.

Guess biology books don't teach gangsters any manners. Never taught anyone manners actually. Just biology.

He looked at me, unbelieving of the current situation. I hold my wrist in pain, has he been working out lately? That hurt pretty bad.

Ryan and Logan notice this and step in between us, protecting me. "Sorry Gray but we can't let you hurt her," Ryan says. Logan just stares at Grayson, crossing his arms.

"You guys are betraying me for this random girl that attacked me?" He said flabbergasted.

Logan says, "This isn't just any girl," he paused. Wow the effects. He's making it kinda mysterious now I want to find out who I am. Haha. "It's your ex girlfriend."

Damn, he really hit him with the facts. Kinda. Not really. We were fake dating. Well I was at least.

Gray stepped back. "What? My Ex? When did we date? Why would we date?" He asked while examining me.

I simply shrugged. The one with all the answers, forgot them so now nobody can ever understand. Great.

"Can everyone here leave? Now?" They get up and leave, Logan and Ryan as well.

"We'll be outside," Logan says to us on his way out.

Grayson pulls me into the room and swings the door shut. He grabs my wrist again and drags me to the sofa to sit.

I sit down then he sits right by me.

A moment of silence passes.

"So we dated?" He asks.

"It's more complicated than that. Don't worry about it, we're over anyways."


"Why what?" I ask confused.

"Why did we break up?" He asks.

"Well, that is also complicated." I rather say that than explain that he almost took my first kiss just because he thought I kissed Logan on the stairs. Ew that's weird.

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