17. Consequences

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Rose's POV.

I rolled around in my bed tiredly. I stop and my hand touches something warm on the sheets. My eyes go wide and I sit up.

No, it's not what you're thinking you perverts. It was not a male's body, that's for sure. It was something more disgusting, and only Mother Nature can provide it every month. That's right, my period was on the plain white sheets of the bed. I felt like I've been through hell and back. I don't even know why my back hurts so much. I got up to go to my bathroom but paused again.

That was not my bed, and this is not my room. I panic but decided to finish the task at hand. I spot the bathroom and make a run for it. I take a shower, grab a close folded towel, and walk out to the room again with it around me.

As I walk out , I remember my encounter with Grayson. And Ryan. And Logan. And Grayson's father. He seemed like a cool dude... A little too cool, if you know what I mean. My grandpa would probably enjoy his company.

I can tell that it's not a guest room because of the personal items displayed and it's a male's room because of the cologne on the dresser. Who's room, was the question.

I remember everything being very slow but at some points in my memory it was very fast and...I was flying..?

It's probably your imagination, idiot.

Rude brain.

I walk towards a chair in the corner that looked awfully familiar. Hmm.... Odd shit. I ignore that feeling and stepped into a big size closet, to grab some clothes.

I see boxers and I burst into happiness. I think that no one would ever see someone as happy as I am right this moment because of boxers. It was a very exciting and life changing moment actually and so I headed towards the scissors at once, and with a determined look on my face, I took long strides towards it.

I mean it sounded all heroic and stuff, until I tripped on the carpet but I got up like a champ and with embarrassment I grabbed my happiness off the floor, where it was splattered.

I was still in a towel and held about three boxers in my hand. I continued taking my strides but kept a look out for the wild and rouge rugs, so whatever is left of my dignity doesn't spill on the ground too.

I was a couple of inches away from a pair of scissors. You know, the type that put a smile on your face.

I held them with joy and put my D.I.Y skills to the test. I made an art piece out of the boxers. I wore my new underwear and bra with pride, then went back to find me some shorts and a shirt that made me look like a man. I also wore all the other boxers incase I bleed through, I looked like I had a big booty, so I enjoyed the moment.

I was probably adorable, and this guy who owns it would think I was the cutest thing ever.

My hair was still wet, so I went to the dresser and grabbed the first brush there, and started brushing through the knots.


Grayson's POV.

I woke up from the couch and decided to check on Rose.

I decided not to knock on the door incase she was sleeping, and slowly opened the door.
Plus, it was my room anyways.

First thing I see is Rose in front of the dresser. She was brushing her hair and had a really odd lump on her back. Let's add that to the list of things she needs to get checked out.

All in all, it looked somewhat horrifying but somewhat cute.

Cute? What the heck. Is this what happens when you claim a fake relationship?

You did this to yourself.

I had to, he was gonna break her heart.

And since when do you even care?

Since I did!

Stop lying! I know what this is, you actually like her!

No I don't! ...I don't right?

See you are unsure, at least we know you have a heart somewhere.

What hea-

"What's wrong with your face, Grayson?" Rose asks, rudely interrupting my conversation... with myself? Oh shut up, idiot.

I shake my head to get rid of the conflicting thoughts. "Nothing. Whats wrong with your face?" I say. Nice, what a gentleman.

She shrugged and went back to brushing her hair. I liked that she was in my clothes. I liked that she was safe and back to her usual self. I don't really care that she keeps hitting me with books, I like a girl that can take care of herself. Like? What am I saying right now? I can't like her. Never. She could die because of me and get everyone killed as well.

We are in trouble already. All of this because she found out that I am Pablo and I was the idiot that hinted it to her. We have procedures in this gang when thing like this happen, which is another reason that she is now my girlfriend.

"We need to talk," I say, walking in after closing the door. My room was quite big because of my status in the gang, but she was just a couple of steps away since she was walking towards me.

"Yes, I sure we have to," she said annoyed. "explain to me why I suddenly have a boyfriend, will you?" she continued.

"It's for your own safety." I said with a blank look on my face. "You can't just walk in here and not expect consequences. This is a gang, not an after school club." I say.

"What are you talking about? What does this have to do with our relationship?" she asks confused.

"Well you know of the gang, and you know who I am. Usually if someone knows something that they shouldn't, they get killed. Don't you know that?" I tell her but I'm starting to get mad. She stood there like a statue while thinking.

"I don't want to die," she says quietly, looking at the ground.

"Well I would think not, " I fire back. She stays quiet for a while. Just as she was about to open her mouth, there was a knock on the door.

We look at each other in shock. 'What do we do' she mouths to me in a panic. I have to do something, then I did the first thing that came to mind.

I grabbed her.


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