8. My eyes are up here.

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I walk into the cafeteria and suddenly feel self conscious. I told him I would sit with him and take gummy bear back. But I can't, the people at his table will judge the living crap out of me. I don't have enough living crap in me to take it though. I saw how they all stared and glared, I wanna eat my lunch with comfort.

I know that won't happen because at his table the rich bimbos eat a piece of lettuce and call it lunch. While at my usual table, the sport players and jocks, all eat a lot. Probably why we got along.

I stand by the cafeteria doors and text Ryan that it's too awkward and I don't think I can get myself to go, without dying on my way, of course. He texts me back asking where I'm at. I tell him my exact location, confused.

A few minutes after, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up from the floor to see Ryan smiling. "Come on. If you die, I'll carry you to safety," he says. I squint my eyes to see if he's lying. "Promise," he says.

"Fine," I say and let him drag me by my arm, while I drag my feet behind him. He's lucky, he's nice.....and hot.

We reach the table and his grip tighten as I tried to run, but he was too strong. I'm facing away from the table, still trying to run. He just introduces me, like nothing is happening. "Everyone, This is Rose and she'll be sitting with us today," he said, making everyone go quiet.

He tugs my arm, making me turn around. I glare at him and he smirks. I turn to the people staring at me with raised eyebrows, and look at them wide eyed. After an awkward moment, I give a sarcastic smile to all of them.

Ryan pulls seat and pushes me into it gently, then takes a seat beside me. I look at him and glare. He gives me an innocent smile and turns to look at the rest of the people, his smile dropping. I turn to look at what was up, to meet grayish-blue eyes. Grayson's eyes trail down to Ryan holding my arm and he glares at it. It's kinda pissing me off at how he's glaring and his rudeness in general. I decide to have fun with it.

I snap my fingers and glare at him. "My eyes are up here, asshole," I say. I watch him look up confused at me as Logan holds in a chuckle, the bimbos gasp and the guys' jaws drop a bit. Ryan looks at me smiling wide, his hand leaving my arm and holding my hand squeezing it. I smirk at him and turn to look at Grayson's glare. Same smirk on my face, I slowly squint my eyes. Basically saying what you gonna do about it.

His face turns cold and he gets out of his chair, leaving without a word. Logan smiles and nods at me and Ryan, going after Grayson. Some bimbos glare at me and I shrug. I slowly take my hand out of Ryan's and start going to get my food out of my bag. I lay it out in front of me, I watch all their eyes go wide not being able to believe that I will eat all of it. I felt uncomfortable and turned to Ryan to see if he had the same expression.

I was surprised when he was smiling warmly at me, amused. I grinned and just started eating. Of course, I asked Ryan if he wanted some. We shared in silence, receiving odd looks from the majority at the table, until the bell rang.

I sigh, after packing up. "This was fun and all, but I gotta roll," I say to all of them. I look at Ryan, smiling. "Tootles, Ryan," I say. I saw him go a bit tense but he relaxed and smiled back, waving.

I walk out and to my class happily. That wasn't so bad, was it?


I walk out of my last class and to my mom's car. We get home and since it's Friday, it's my parent's date night, my mom went to get ready. Soon after, my parents were out of the house. I finished my homework then face palmed.

The baby. I was supposed to get it from Ryan at lunch but I forgot. I take my phone out of my pocket to text him.

Me: I forgot gummy bear with you! I'm sorry, today was supposed to be my day of horror with the little crapper.

Ryan: it's ok, you can meet up with me tmw to get him.

Me: okay, I guess. When and where?

I wait as he decides on a Starbucks at 12:30 in the afternoon. I say okay and head to bed.


Waking up on the weekends is not really my favorite thing in the world, but I wake up anyway because I have a child to take care of. I shower and get dressed in a cute dress. It had sunflowers on it and the fabric was white. It was a summer dress,and it was strapless, flowing and 2 inches over my knee.

I wore a black cardigan for contrast and to prove that I'm more stupid than I look. I'm wearing a cardigan in the hot summer.

I woke my mom up and made her drive me there. You might be asking, why aren't you driving?

Well, the thing is that I failed my driving test, like two times but that doesn't matter, and also because my dad didn't feel it would be safe. I was after all, dropped at the age of three curtesy of Aunt June, I fell out of a tree more than once, and I hung out almost everyday with my now high grandpa. I'm an inspiration to others....an inspiration to not have any kids.

When I got there, my mom dropped me off and I bid her goodbye. I made my way inside but didn't see Ryan. I called him and he answered after a second.

"Where are you?" I ask. I hear someone arguing about something beside him.

"We are by the second entrance, sitting outside at one of the tables," he said through the phone.

I stay quiet. We? Oh whatever, I'm here to grab the baby and a drink. "Okay," I say then hang up. I go order a drink and wait to pick it up. Soon I grab the drink from the cute barista, and smile.

I walk outside sipping my drink and wince from the brain freeze, I pinch on the bridge of my nose. I felt people staring at me and I looked up quickly. I looked to my side confused, only to meet three pairs of eyes with their jaws dropped.

I panic. Something is on my face, isn't there? I look to Logan, Ryan and Grayson with wide eyes and a horrified expression. "What?" I say slowly. What if it's a spider?

I start breathing heavy and shaking. Yes, I'm that scared. They seemed to notice and Ryan gets up with a more relaxed expression. When he's close to me, I grab his arm and gulp.

"Is it a spider?" I manage to whisper out, still shaking. He notices and slips his arm around my waist, worried.

"No," he said looking down at me confused. I inhale and exhale hard, trying to regain my balance. Get it together, Rose. I look up to him and smile. I step away and face the other two. Logan's jaw is dropped and Grayson is glaring.

Oh how fun.


Hope you enjoyed, boos but vote and comment if you like, I would appreciate it.

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