23. Forget Me.

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Rose's POV

So I believe I have to shine some light on some of the recent events... like the event of me causing Grayson to have a concussion by throwing a biology book at his head. We rushed him to the gang's nurse right away and he's been at home since then.

Do I feel guilty? Maybe. Would I do it again? Yes.

let's be honest here, he deserved it.

I went to school as I normally do. I can check on him later or something.

The other boys, Logan and Ryan, weren't there in the first-period class, I just assumed they were staying with him 'till he woke up. Or maybe they were scared that I had more books... Do I have more books? Not even sure.

I was sitting in class. Biology class. Then Logan walks in, he decided he wanted to sit through this class period today, he asked the teacher's permission and everything. Something about switching because his interests changed... we all know why he's here though.

The class began and the teacher told us to grab our books from the cupboards, that's usually where they are if they aren't stacked up on the back table. The reality of it is that there aren't any biology books in this class at all.

I forgot to collect them off the ground because I was too busy running back to my house before my mom realized I escaped through the window. I really could've used the front door but I was not in the mood, to be honest.

All of my classmates got up to check the cupboards, so I got up as well because I didn't want to seem guilty of finessing the biology books. Logan just sat there with his questioning eyes, looking at me.

I had to sneak into the school with a ski mask on while I borrowed the books so I couldn't be identified if they ever checked the camera footage.

I've been around the boys for so long, I think I've become a criminal.

They open the cupboards and they all turn around. One of the guys tells the teacher that the books are no longer there. But I already knew that.

She was surprised, "They have to be in there, I put them there yesterday." She walked over and checked the cupboards for herself, she looked so confused. I felt bad.

One of the girls said, "What if someone stole them?"

I widen my eyes in feign shock and gasp loudly. Then I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion and say, "Why would anyone take biology books though? That doesn't seem right." All of them nod and said, "True true," or, "She's not wrong."

I stole a glance at Logan and could see how hard he was trying to hold in his laughter. Not my proudest moment and he knows it.

I look at him and shake my head. I get back to the current crowd surrounding me and say, "We should check if another teacher had to use them urgently and didn't have a chance to let any of us know?" That seems like a great logical explanation.

She nodded and sent us back to our seats. She told us to be on our best behavior until she gets back, then left the classroom to check with the other teachers.

I sat in my seat and looked down at my desk. I'm about to fuss at myself.

I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Wow, now I sound like my parents.

She came back still confused but went on with the lesson without the books. Logan quietly chuckles the whole time in class.

Soon enough class was over. I gathered my things and left as fast as I could. Logan was right behind me. He caught up with my speed and threw his arm over my shoulders.

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