16. Happy brownies part 2.

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Grayson's POV

"What is up with you?" I ask, disbelieving.

Ryan looks to the floor. "It's nothing," he says. Before I could further question him, I feel someone tug my shirt.

I look down to meet Rose's pleading eyes. "You have to kiss it or I won't feel better," she whispered as she tugged me closer. I smile at her childish thinking. We can't ever be this... This is all already a lie, I don't know what to do after she's got it out of her system.

She tugs me back into reality. Her eyes were tearing up. I grab her face in my hands and kiss her forehead. I pull back and see her smiling widely.

"My boo boo is gone," she said excited. She seemed so happy and so pure....

She was also really stupid. No, Shut up!

You know it's true! No, it is not.

Fine. Just keep telling yourself that. I will!

"Grayson?" I snap out of my conflicting thoughts and look towards Logan's amused face.

"What?" I ask. He points to the floor where Rose laid. She wasn't there anymore.

I look back towards them both and was very confused. Why didn't they follow her?

We heard a loud crash and we ran outside to the noise.

There, at the bottom of the stairs, was Rose groaning in pain. I ran to her. "What happened?" I asked while checking for anything broken or hurt. Her back and ear looked effected.

"Well I was flying, but my powers stopped and I was falling really slowly." Flying? Powers?

"I'll get the ice." Ryan said and left.

I look back at her face. "You have NO powers! Don't ever try that again," I say harshly.

She looked confused. "You mean I'm like buzz lightyear from toy story?" She asked. I help her up and Ryan comes back with ice. He hands it to her, but stares at her a little too long.

He backs off after realizing and I finally reply. "Sure." She nods, understanding. We head back into the room and I place her gently on the bed.

I step back when she was finally settled in and quite. "Andy's coming!" Logan shouts breaking the nice silence. She covers her eyes with efforts, her arms heavy due to the not-so-happy brownies.

We all stay silent again. "Am I in Narnia?" She whispered amazed.

"No. Narnia is not real," Logan said to mess with her.

"Ugh it's that annoying brat again," she mumbles to herself. Logan gasped and I was on the verge of laughter. I take her hands off her eyes with a reassuring smile.

"You have to go to sleep," I said. She frowned. "You have to get some rest," I explain.

"But I don't want to," she said with puppy eyes. I glared, not wanting to deal with her shit. She huffed.

"Fine," she said annoyed. She started getting comfortable and closed her eyes. I turn around and watch the other guys walk out. I soon follow behind them. Once I was out the door, they were out the hall. I look back towards my so-called girlfriend, to see she hasn't moved, and I reach for the light switch.

As soon as the switch was flipped, I heard her shout. "NO!" I switch the lights back on and look at her scared figure, now sitting upright.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried.

"You can't close the lights." She replied.

"Why not?" I ask again.

She looked down in shame, "because I'm scared of the dark." Told you she was crazy. If we kill her now, we can dump her body in the river. NO, stop thinking like that!

I leave the lights open and escape the room without a word. I would never hurt her. Are you sure?

Not wanting to a answer the question, I make my way into the kitchen as fast as I can. "I totally forgive her for eating my brownies," Logan said with amusement.

"I thought we agreed that you put your brownies in the cupboards," Ryan said annoyed.

"I forgot but it was worth it this time," Logan defended.

"Don't forget next time, she could have gotten hurt." I was pissed. She could have snapped her own neck while tumbling down the stairs.

"Who is she?" We look towards the voice. It was Amber, Ryan's younger sister.

"My girlfriend," I said. The word felt unfamiliar to me, since I was never the one to date.

"Really?" She said excited. I nodded. She looked beside me and frowned. Ryan looked annoyed.

I knew that Ryan wanted to make a move on her before, but let's admit it, he was a man whore. I couldn't let him play her like that, I think that's what made me say that she was my girlfriend. That, and that I feel overly jealous and angry about the idea. She was too good for him....but also too good for me.

I didn't want him to have her, he got every girl he wanted. I could too but I didn't want to. Well until her, I wanted her.

He seemed like he got way too mad about the idea, and he's been acting up lately. Makes me wonder what is he so angry about? There are so many fish in the sea.

I stood up again and left the room to my own. It was the one that Rose was in. She was sleeping in my bed, in my clothes, and in my room. Mine.

Not Ryan's.

The idea made me smile. Not because of Ryan wanting something that I took, but because I love the idea for some odd reason. The idea of her with me.

I was approaching the door, when I started hearing someone's shouts. I rush to open the door and walk in.

I freeze at the sight.

She was standing there looking all mad. But that wasn't what got me.

She was shouting at a chair... Now that got me.

She was still shouting and fuming about it, even as I walked in. She didn't even notice me.

"What do you mean? I AM not a spoiled girl. I don't know why you are accusing me like that, I didn't even do anything to you!" She shouts. She pauses. "That was an accident! Would you just let it go already?"

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Well he won't stop acting like a big baby and accused me of things I didn't even do!" She shouts.

I look at the chair, then back to her. I sigh.

This is gonna be a long night...


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