4. Virgin lips

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The drive back home with my mom was ok. Me and her are cool, you could say we're 'homies'. She lets me do what I want most of the time, and I don't take it for granted. She trusts me and I trust her. See I love my mom, well except that one time she had to explain the birds and the bees. I mentally shudder, I couldn't sleep for a week in that house.

My mom gets me, now my dad... He's worried way too much. He's protective but he knows I can take care of myself. Like how I fell off the tree last year, he took care of me and made me carry around a first aid box. That way when I fell off the tree the second time, I could take care of myself. Yup, I am in fact a capable young lady.

I was in my room now, finishing up my homework. I had extra time today, so I checked the lesson plans the teachers posted for tomorrow, every thing seemed usual except the new Home Ec. Project. Omg, I'm gonna be a mother. I'll call her gummy bear.

I went to sleep happily after that. Yea, yea. You don't even have to tell me, I already know I'm pathetic.


I walked into first hour excited. I took my seat and like yesterday, meanie sat beside me. I wasn't paying much attention to him as I waited for the teacher. Soon enough the teacher walked in. It's about time.

He then explained the point of having this project. I smiled. I think I'm gonna be a great parent. Then something got my attention.

Pairs. He said this project will be done in pairs. Then he brought out a list. Of pairs. What am I gonna do now? What if my pair is a chick, or an annoying guy? I look down at my hands in horror, can I be a single mother?

Then he started listing pair after pair.

"Rose Black with...."he said checking the list. I was about to ask if I could just do it alone but it was too late. "Ryan Davis," he concluded. Now, Who the hell is Ryan?

I turn to my left and see meanie get a bit tense. I ignore it and look to the other side. "Are you Rose by any chance?" I hear someone say. I look towards him, it was handsome Prince Charming.

I smile and say, "Your name is Ryan?" He smiles and nods. I relax physically.

I was going to get up and go to him but he already got up and was coming to me. Awe, how nice is he? I look at his back muscles flex when he carries the chair to sit beside me.

I hear someone clear their throat roughly beside me. I turn around quickly with a blush crawling onto my face when I see grayish-blue eyes looking at me with a straight face and clenched teeth. Oh oh, I've been caught. My eyes widen in embarrassment and I burry my face into my hands. Great, now he's gonna tell him and I'm gonna have to move to another state.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and looked up to see Ryan looking at me worried. "Are you okay?" He asks, I nod. The teacher then passes everyone a plastic baby and explains that it can drink milk, pee, and display a normal baby's emotions; like crying. He said all of the actions we do will be on a log in the baby doll's system. "Oh joy," Ryan said sarcastically. Oh joy, indeed.

I look down at my new baby and tilt my head to take in its features. I poke it. It's plastic alright. I know for a fact that there is no way in hell, that this thing is sleeping in my bed. It's already creeping me out a bit because it's just staring, I'm pretty sure the chances of it coming after me at night are high. I slowly carry the baby.

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