19. "Big Yikes" expression

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Grayson's P.O.V

I don't know what it was, but it made me flinch. She put her head on my chest and I think it frightened me for a split second.

I thought it was all just a dream. I had questions as to why she would be in my dream or why I am listening to her voice.

Her voice was soft like the cushions I laid my head upon. Her presence was a cage, and she had my heart in it. What the hell am I saying... I blame it on the morphine.

I can't think anymore. She's in every corner of my brain, she's all I see. I hate that. Does she even think of me?

I think that she just has the effect of startling me: she could control me if she wanted to. But she won't, I won't let her.

I've had too many people try to control me in the past, I never fell for it so why would I fall for her.

"Uh Grayson?" She said quietly. My eyes open slowly.

"Yes," I replied calmly.

"Are you ok?" She said, slowly inching closer again. Do I look disabled or something?

"Yea," I paused. "You should probably go, we have to go to school in 5 hours."

It's 1 am right now so she'll at least have time to sleep a little. I've put her through enough today. It's been a long enough day so she should go.

She saw me leak my guts out like an idiot...talk about timing. I think it's great actually, she was so horrified for a second but it was normal for us here. Normal but not acceptable.

"Um...ok I guess," she gets off the bed and towards the door. "You should stay home today because of the bleeding and stuff... bye."

She left and I thought to myself, nice try but I don't listen to orders.

I think she knows so too.

Rose's POV

I had asked Logan and Ryan to bring me home because I was not willingly about to be kidnapped at the moment.

Maybe I'll leave kidnapping on Grayson's great to-do list. Yea all of us want some of that Pablo action. Just kidding, ignore that.

It was a really weird day or days... I've lost track of how long it's been or what even had happened but it's ok. Almost everyone is fine, I'm fine.

I was finally entering my dwelling. I saw my dear mother and halted. "What's crackin' mother?" I hope she will think I'm educated enough to not get a whooping.

"You're doing drugs, aren't you?" She got up from the couch annoyed. She was coming closer and my end was near. Well, nearer than it used to be.

"Yes yes," I said panicked. Wait.. I don't do drugs though?!?! "I mean no, I'm not doing drugs mother, why would I attempt such a thing."

She kept looking at me, inspecting me, then... she finally broke. "This is all your grand father's fault, I should've banned you from going to him so often. You're going to be a druggie like him!"

"What in the heck... why bring gramps into this?" I said under my breath. "He probably did them so he could forget you were related!" I shouted and stuck my tongue out like the child my mother raised me to become.

She glared with so much anger so I did the logical thing and ran to my room. I heard her hurried steps tailing me and slammed my door shut.

Haha she THOUGHT she could catch me with my stealth moves. I'm a whole ninja mom, why y'all sleeping on this speed.

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