21. Revenge on me.

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Rose's POV

Classes went by quietly, no commotion yet. It was the last class before lunch, and Grayson was no where to be found. I feel guilty.

I'm a bad person for this. Yea sure it's a fake relationship by title but I never had to necessarily act fake, my feelings and reactions were real up 'till now.

I know he misunderstood and thought I was kissing Logan but me and Logan are not a thing, and we have 100% not kissed. These lips are pure baby.

Oh my. And I just realized that I rejected him twice already when he was close to kissing me. If he thinks that I kissed Logan instead then he must be very mad and hurt.

This is bad, really bad.

But I think he was messing around, he was probably trying to get something out of me, I'm not sure but he's just confusing me. He's a gangster, he might as well just shoot me and save us all the trouble.

Maybe he likes me. Or maybe he's trying to mess with me. The latter most likely. Why would he get with me?  That's just weird.

The school bell rings signaling all of us that it's lunch. I sigh.

I guess I'm just overthinking it. Whatever.

I get up and grab all my stuff so I could leave. I was walking to the cafeteria but I wanted to avoid seeing Logan and Ryan too. I just want to disappear for a good second so I can have a decent game plan.

I turned away and started walking the opposite direction. The hallways were clearing up after a bit. Just as I was aimlessly walking, I caught a glimpse of the closet I saw Grayson in before.

I doubt he's in there. I hope he's not too mad at me.

I walked towards it, dumping out all the past plans of ignoring all three boys. I don't think I want to ignore Grayson because I feel like I am indebted to him. I have to explain. I can't lie and say he hasn't saved me before, therefore I owe him at least this.

I slowly put my ear onto the closed door, trying to listen for anything going on inside. It was silent. I just stood there supporting my body with my arms onto the door as well.

I don't think anyone is inside. "He's probably already home," I say out loud. I was about to lift my ear but I heard shuffling inside.

I was startled by the sound getting louder, footsteps and movements I heard. I lifted my face away from the door quickly and was just about to push myself off the door fully so I could run, but the door opened so quickly that I fell at whoever opened the door.

I had dived face first into that person's shirt. I could tell it was a guy just from the build of his body. But I could tell it was Grayson from the smell of his clothes. The smell of crystal meth.

I'm messing. He smelled like cologne, made me think I was calm and safe again for some reason.

Probably because he always ends up with you in his arms. At the party, with the brownie incident, the almost kissing in the closet, at his house, and every other time I was horrified or in trouble. I knew his smell quite well. He really had my back all those times.

I was just staying still. I don't think I should move. I don't want to explain anymore, I wanna chicken out. I'm scared. I step away from him with my head down. I look to the floor as I turn around.

I don't wanna be here anymore, maybe momma did raise a wimp. Fine by me, I just gotta escape real quick so I can be a wimp somewhere away from him.

I was successfully turning around without looking at his face, so close to fully turning to the opposite side, but he grabbed my arm.

In a matter of seconds, I was facing him again. It felt like I was caught doing something I wasn't supposed to. My heart was beating out of control thinking I was about to be confronted by him right then and there.

This is not fair. I should at least get ready for this encounter. Can I ask for a rematch or something?

He literally hasn't even said a word yet but I don't know what to do. You didn't even cheat on him, it's a misunderstanding. YOU NEVER ACTUALLY DATED.

I know this but why is my heart still beating so loud, glad I'm alive but this heart better stop and stuff because listen- actually don't listen, it's too embarrassing and I'm nervous.

"Look at me," he said with authority. He's got this new sense of humor haha, but it doesn't sound so funny and I'm scared. Lol I'm not looking up, nice joke though.

After a couple of seconds, he realizes that I won't look at him. I can't get myself to lift my head up, just so I would get roasted by him. My cheeks are tingling and I know I'm blushing from embarrassment. Why though????

He pulls us both into the closet, and closes the door. He waits for one more second before saying "look at me" again but with a louder tone. I hate when people  raise their voice at me.

I keep my head down.

I'm a strong independent woman, I'm a strong independent woman, I'm a strong independent woman. I don't need a big book, or my ninja skills. I need the smarts. If you are there come out. The smarts I mean, not you, just keep reading dumbass.

"WHY WON'T YOU LOOK AT ME!?" He shouted finally. I could hear the hurt laced in his voice, and the agitation. I look up quickly.

I wait a second, just looking at his face. "Why?" I said. I don't know why he's doing this.

"You don't get to ask the questions here, I do." He said through clenched teeth. How petty could he get?

"Why do you care about what happened? Why does it matter? Why do you have to know?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm just curious, it doesn't matter but I want to know." He said, I opened my mouth, about to retaliate to his weak excuse of an answer. "I have to know." He says, shutting me up.

"Now answer me," he paused. "What happened this morning?" He's talking like the demanding thug that he is right now. This isn't Grayson, this is Pablo.

"Why would I answer you?" I said. "You've already made your assumptions and made up your opinions. It will only cause you to argue. You won't believe me anyways." I roll my eyes.

He steps closer.

"So you're saying," he places his hand gently on one side of my face and comes very close to my ears to whisper on the other side. "That you just happened to be that close to Logan and you never made out with him on that damn staircase?" He whispered in my ear, his breath fanning my neck as he puts his other arm around my waist just like how he saw Logan doing this morning. Oh right, this petty.

I didn't say anything. I was nervous again and I knew I was beginning to blush as well. This place is suffocating, I just want to leave now.

I would rather fall out of another tree or something, that was always fun especially when the doctor gave me candy on my way out.

Grayson lifted his head to look at me. "You're saying that Logan didn't do this?" He said annoyed as he pulled me closer. "Or this?" He said as he leaned down to my face.

He's going to recreate the kiss that he thought happened with Logan just to get revenge on me or something. His eyes flickered shut and he kept on leaning.

He was getting an inch closer every two seconds and I didn't know what to do anymore. I had to go, I need to leave fast. Red signs were flashing in my head but I was so flustered.

Just one more inch and -

To be continued...

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