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I closed the door behind myself and locked it. I walked over to the back of Aaron's car and let Zan in.

I got in the passenger side and buckled my seatbelt as Aaron started the car.

He pull out of the driveway and drove down the road.

He stopped the car in front of a old ice cream shop I used to pass when I was a kid. It was red and white and looked like a barn, but it's too small to actually be one of course.

We got out and went inside. There wasn't anybody in the store except for the employees.

We went up to the counter and waited for someone to come over to us.

"Oh hi! What can I get you guy's?" a young girl came over to us from behind the counter.

"Um, two cones and a cup" she nodded. "Okay what flavors?" she looked up at when she was done with the order.

"Cookie dough, um Hayes what to you want?" Aaron looked over at me. I looked up at the Menu and seen, 'Cotton Candy'.

I pointed at it and he nodded. "Cotton candy and?" I pointed to vanilla. "And vanilla" Aaron smiled at her and she smiled back, blushing.

Just then I felt something in the pit of my stomach. I don't know what it was but it hurt, no physically but mentally.

It was up setting but I felt jealous almost.

I watched as she got two Ice cream cones and filled them with cotton candy and cookie dough.

She handed me mine and Aaron his. She grabbed a little bowl and filled it with vanilla and grabbed a plastic spoon.

"We don't need the spoon" Aaron assured her. "Oh, okay" she took the spoon and through it out and gave the bowl to Aaron.

He already paid when I was picking my ice cream so Aaron thanked the girl and we left.

I took Zan's ice cream from Aaron and opened the back door. Zan quickly sat up and wagged his tail.

I sat his ice cream in front of him and he started to lick it, not making a mess.

I closed the door and got in my seat and Aaron was sitting in the front.

"So where do you wanna go now?" he started to put his seatbelt on. I put mine on and texted him.

'the river behind my place' his phone went off and he unlocked it and smiled. "Okay, let's go then"

He started the car and drove down the road. He drove past my place and down the road to a trail.

He drove down the trail and stopped when we got to the entrance of the river bed.

We got out of the car and I got Zan's door and he hopped out, seeing that he finished his ice cream I chuckled quietly.

I was only half way through mine.

I looked around at everything and everything looked the same.

The picnic table was still there, the old beat up dock, the rope in the tree that you swing off of into the water.

Nothing changed.

I haven't been here in awhile, since the day it happen, 5 years ago actually.

There was cushion tape everywhere, cops, ambulance, everyone was being questioned. 'did you see what happen?', 'how did it happen?' 'what all did you see?'.

I breathed in deeply and went over to the dock and sat down. Aaron followed along with Zan who just layed down.

This is where Sammy and I used to sit. Everyday after school we would come here, talk, and swim. God do I wish I could have that back.

I continued to eat my ice cream and noticed Aaron moving closer to me. Maybe he's just uncomfortable.

He started to move a bit closer and moved his hand right beside mine.

I finished my ice cream and watched as the water would rush up against the sides of the dock.

I then felt something on top of my hand. It was bigger than my hand, warmer, it made me feel a bit, safer.

I looked down and saw Aaron's hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and saw he was looking out at the water, smiling.

He tangled our fingers together so we were holding each other's hand. I bit my lip lightly as I felt my face heat up and blush.

We stayed like that till the sun started to set and I started to get tired and yawned quietly.

"You tired?" Aaron looked over at me, I nodded. He got up without letting go of my hand and pulled me up to my feet.

He walked me to his car and got my door for me. I got in and he closed the door behind me and opened the back door for Zan.

He got in the car once Zan got in and drove back to the street and to my place.

We got out of the car and went in side.

I went into the kitchen and got Zan some food and saw Aaron looking around for something.

I looked up at him confusedly and he smiled, "I'm gonna make dinner, go pick a movie" I nodded and headed to the living room.

I went through the movie's on netflix and seen 'The Good Dinosaur' I paused the movie before it could start and waited for Aaron to finish dinner.

Zan came and layed by my feet and I smiled down at him.

Soon Aaron came out and place a plate in front of me on the coffe table. He pulled it over towards us and he left again.

"One clap for fruit punch, two for mixed barry" I clapped twice and a few minutes later he came back with two glasses of a dark pinkish purple drink.

He handed me a glass and played the movie and we ate.

He made chicken, mashed potatoes and veggies. Damn can this boy cook.

I moved closer to Aaron and he moved closer to me. We stopped shuffling when our shoulders met.

When I was finished I layed my head on Aaron's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me and we leaned back against the couch and watched the movie.

Half way through my eye's started to burn and my vision started to get blury as I grow tired.

My eyelids started to fall and I fell asleep.

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