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I placed the box in my room after I came home from Sammy's house.

The house was empty except for Zan sleeping on the couch.

I went into the living room and sat beside the sleeping Zan.

I sighed quietly. I turned on the tv and put on Big Hero Six. I then heard the front door and it open and close.

"Hayes I'm so sorry, I just heard about you and Aaron breaking up. You could have at least told me" Nash came storming into the living room.

I shook my head and picked up my phone. I texted him, 'I know what u did Nash so stop acting'.

His phone went off and he took it out of his pocket, unlocking it. "What did I do?" he said sternly but innocently.

'U tried to break up Aaron and I by making in seem like he cheated on me' I texted back.

He looked down at his phone and back up at me. He has a surprised look on his face, as if he was shocked I knew.

"H-Hayes I can explain. Aaron isn't that good of a guy,"

I stood up, ignoring everything he's saying.

"He doesn't love you like that!" Nash yelled once I reached the stairs.

"Well Nash, if you really loved me,....you wouldn't try to ruin my life...more then you already have" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

I then quickly ran upstairs. When I entered my room it was cold, like a window was left open or something.

I walked over to my window and opened it, climbing out of it and one to the roof.

Sometimes Sammy and I would come up here and talk, talk about our problems we normally don't tell each other. Or we'll just enjoy each other's company, like we we're reminding ourselves we weren't alone.

But I'm stuck on my battlefield alone.

At the end of the day I was distant to be alone.

I looked up at the sky. The sun was setting and you could see some star's.

Ten minutes later the sun was fully set and the sky was bright with star's. The only light I had was the moon light whitch made it feel real at the slightest.

I started to feel my eyelids growing heavy till I gave up battling with them and let them fall, falling asleep on the roof.

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I woke up to a bright light in my eye's. I barely opened them and realized it was the sun, remembering I fell asleep on the roof.

I checked my phone, two messages from Nash and four messages from Aaron.

Did someone die or something?

I got down from off the roof, going back into my room. Thanking god I didn't fall off the roof cause I just woke.

I then checked the time, 9:23am. I'm late for school!

I quickly got changed, not worrying about showering and grabbed my bag and running out the door.

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When I arrived at the school I slowly walked in through the front entrance, surprised my legs didn't snap off.

I walked into the office and got a late slip without a word and went to my locker and then class.

When I got to a desk and sat down I slept. At this point I could care less about school.

The bell rang and I quickly got up and left the room and made my way to the flouded halls and to my next class.

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At lunch I didn't expect Aaron to be at school so I went and sat in the cafeteria alone.

"Hey why you sitting alone?" I looked up and seen Aaron with glasses?

He sat beside me and I moved closer to him. "You never told me you wore glasses" I said quietly. "Well the more you know about Aaron Carpenter" he smiled. "You look cute" I smiled back. "Not as cute as you" he pecked my lips making me blush hard.

Hopefully no one noticed.

"So what are we gonna do today? See who can throw straw wraps the feathers, play a game of tic, tac, toe with the fries?" he came up with idea's.

"Both" I smiled.

Aaron ended up winning the straw game and I won tic, tac, toe.

"You cheated!" he almost yelled, crossing his arm's while pouting. I smiled widely as I giggled at how childish he was acting.

"No I didn't" I protested as I laughed. "Your lucky I love you or I would end you" he pouted.

"Oh really?" I stood up. "Yup" he smiled proudly. I quickly picked up his chocolate milk and drank half of it, knowing he likes his chocolate milk.

"Oh your done for Hayes Grier!" I quickly ran through the cafeteria laughing hard.

I could hear him running after me as I ran out of the cafeteria.

I stooped for a second to see if he was still behind me only to have two strong arm's wrap around me.

"Got 'cha" he whispered.

He leaned down and placed his lips on mine, capturing my lips in a blissful kiss.

I could live with this.

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