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There are 4 days left of spring break and then school starts again for another couple months.

I couldn't help but think about last night. I never thought someone like Aaron would like a guy like me!

I mean, he's popular, I'm not, he play's sports, I know nothing about sport's, he's good looking, and I'm scrony and pale.

And not to mention he talks and I don't.

Now that I think of it, does he think it's hard to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't speak?

Going out in public would be embarrassing for the both of us. I was surprised he even agreed to babysit me for the week.

What's gonna happen when we go back to school? Are thing gonna change? Or are they gonna go back to normal?

Most likely these questions aren't gonna get answered.

I looked up at Aaron who's arm was wrapped around my shoulder, holding me close as we we watched tv.

I wish I could just go ahead and ask him those questions. Let the word's pour out of my mouth. But I can't. And I don't think I will.

I decided to stop talking the night it all happen and I can't take it back.

"What do you wanna do today?" I looked up at him and looked away to think.

I shrugged. "Just wanna stay here, watch movies and kiss?" he smirked I felt my face heat up as I nodded shamelessly.

He leaned over and placed his lips on mine, kissing me. He lightly bit my lip and sucked on my bottom lip. I moaned quietly not loud enough for him to notice.

I buried my hands in his hair as I tried to pull him closer. He pulled away and I bit my lip slightly.

He smiled to himself as if he was proud and turned his attention back to the tv.

I wonder what Nash would think of Aaron and I being together. It seems kinda weird; Your best friend is dating your little brother who is mute and don't get along with.

He'll probably be there for Aaron but then again there's me in this situation too. Nash and I have never really gotten along so I could see why he wouldn't accept us.

Why does my life have to be so hard?

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4  D A Y S  L A T E R
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Spring break is over and Aaron went back home and Nash came home.

It's a monday, school starts again today, of course. Yesterday Aaron begged me to let him drive me to school but I refused.

I wouldn't want to embarrasse Aaron and also embarrasse myself more then I already have.

I got dressed in a tan pair of jeans, a white shirt and my regular wine vans.

I looked around my room for a sweater or anything. My eye's landed on Aaron's black hoodie. It was plain black with white strings.

I grabbed it and put it on. Of course it was baggy. It ended just above the center of my thighs and the sleeves covered my hands slightly.

I smiled, proud of my outfit and grab everything else I needed and ran downstairs since the bus would be here soon.

I skipped breakfast and went to the bus stop, waiting for the bus.

Nash doesn't take the bus, he gets a ride from his friend Cameron I think. Their always late.

The bus pulls up to the stop and a few kids get on before me then I get on and go to my regular seat.

I look at the seat next to mine and above the window and see a sticker with the name 'Sammy Wilk' in black on it. The wording was faded and the sticker was starting to peel.


I stood at the bus stop. I was my first day at this school. Of course I was nervous. It was my first day of the first grade and a new school.

The bus then pulled up and the door opened. I took a deep breath and made my way on to the bus.

I found a seat and sat down and put my bag next to me. It was acrossed from a boy with brown hair, a bit ligtee then mine, tan skin but not too tan.

He looked older then me, maybe a year or so. He looked over at me as if he could feel my gaze on him. He smiled and I felt my face heat up as I smiled back.

"Wanna sit with me? I'm Sammy" he introduced himself. I nodded, "sure, I'm Hayes" I grabbed my bag and quickly went an sat on his seat so the driver wouldn't see me.

"What grade are you in?" he moved his bag down to his feet as I did the same. "Second" "cool I'm in the third" he smiled widely.

And that's how Sammy and I became best friends.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bus stopping. I looked out the window and saw that werre at the school already.

Here we go.

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