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I walked to my locker and grabbed my books I needed for my first few classes.

I closed my locker and started to walk towards my class only to have my books knocked out of my hands.

"Here let me get that for you mute boy" I heard Blakes voice as he stepped on my books and papers as he walked away.

Blake is the schools bully, or mainly, my bully. He's been bullying me since I've been mute.

Everyone around me was laughing and most likely taking pictures. I quickly gathered my things and ran down the hall.

I ended up walking towards Sammy's memorial.

Flowers and teddybears were placed around the table. Pictures of him and teaches and event's he did were on the wall behind the table.

I don't know how many times I have came here and wanted to rip everything off the wall.

I sat on the other side of the hallway across from his table, admiring it. There were a few candles lit around his table and a few home-made card.

Only if I had known what was happening he wouldn't be gone.

He would still be here. Smiling, helping other's and helping around the office like he normally would at public school.

I wouldn't be mute,

I wouldn't have Aaron,

Thing's would be,


His parents had asked the school if they could put up a memorial for their son. The school accepted since it was the school Sammy was registered for and we going to attend.

On his birthday every year they'll say his birthday on the announcements, and at the end of that week at the weekly assembly the principal will mention him and talk about how he's was such a good student.

He was my best friend, a older brother to me, and now he's gone. He left me with these people, these assholes.

And it's weird. None of the people who bring the flowers, the card, or the candles know him that well.

Well not as well as I did.

We we're really close, it was almost like he knew me better then I knew myself.

I knew he couldn't sleep with his socks on. He like smooth not crunchy. He always had to wear the necklace I bought him 6 years ago. He always had to perfect his hair every morning whitch made us late a lot.

But he had a lot more friend's then just me. Mainly they we're just people he'll talk to once an awhile or just be kind to. I guess they just feel bad for him.

Not a lot of people come down this hallway. When it first got put up I would come sit down here till the principal had to call my mom and tell her what I've been doing.

When I first stoped talking my mom took me to the hospital. She thought I cut my tongue out of my mouth or something.

They just told her to take me to the doctor's. The next day she took me to the doctor's and they looked inside my month and looked around my throat and stuff.

The doctor then said to take me to a therapist. And she did. It was a long hour of me just shaking my head to anwser and awkward pauses.

They then told her to take me to a voice therapist, whitch I refused.

My mom is still trying to get me to go to voice therapy. I won't. Their not gonna do anything for me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing. I checked my phone to see it's lunch break.

Just then my phone went off. I unlocked it seeing it was a text from Aaron.

A- wanna hangout?

H- yea where at tho?

A- outside by the big tree?

H- sure

Read at 11:58

I turned my phone off and gathered my things and put them in my bag quickly.

I walked down toward the back of the school and out side were the big tree is. It's a old oak tree the school planted when it was first built.

I turned the corner and saw Aaron leaning against the tree. I started to walk over to him and when he saw me he smiled showing his teeth.

"Hey" he greeted. I smiled in response. Damn that smile. "Nice sweater" he smirked. I blushed biting my lip slightly.

"You can keep it, you look cute and it looked better on you" he pulled me towards him by my hands.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I held on to his shoulders.

Without a word he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and held on to his shoulders tighter.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. He looked into my eye's and I did the same.

His eye's are so cute, they remind me of little chocolate chips, but cuter of course.

"I-I love you Hayes" I see a little bit of blush grow across his face. I smiled and mouthed, 'I love you too' slowly incase he can't read lips.

He immediately smiled widely and hugged me into his chest.

This is all I need.

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