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We sat in the back of our English class. Cam, Aaron, Taylor and Gilinsky.

We were all talking about what we did at Taylor's uncle's. Now, normally at a time like this everyone would be interested. But Aaron wasn't.

He was listening to the teacher and going on his phone. It's not normal of him but I guess I'll let it slide.

Through out every class I was in with Aaron for the morning he seemed off. He was always on his phone or not paying attention to the guy's and I at all.

It's just not like him.

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At lunch Aaron didn't come to the cafeteria. It's kinda weird since he eats the most out of all of us. The kid loves food.
"Yo, you guy's know where Aaron went?" "I figured he got detention" Johnson laughed.

"Well I'm gonna go look for him" I got up from the table and walked through the halls trying to look for him.

I passed by a few people who were near the back exit of the school. "Hey have you guy's seen Aaron Carpenter around?" "shouldn't he be with you?" a short girl asked. "Yeah he should be but he isn't. Have you seen him?" I asked for the second time.

"He went outside somewhere" the other girl said. "Thanks" I quickly walked passed them and out the door.

"Aaron!" I called out once I got outside.

I turned the corner and saw him standing at the old oak tree with someone.

I looked the person over. It was definitely a guy. They wore a big black hoodie, tan skinny jeans,

And purple vans? Wait only Hayes wears those vans!

I hid around the corner and watch to see what they were doing.

Aaron pulled Hayes towards him. Aaron wrapped his arm's around Hayes' hips and Hayes put his arm's on Aaron's shoulders.

Aaron then leaned in and kissed Hayes for a good minute or two.

I have to keep Aaron away from Hayes. Hayes doesn't deserve to be loved like that. Period.

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When school was over Hayes and I went to the ice cream place we went to at the beginning of the break and then to the river.

We sat on the dock and when Hayes wasn't looking I took some of his ice cream. To me a lot of it wasn't gone but to him, he would probably think a giant ate his ice cream.

He looked down at his ice cream to lick, only to stop moving in general.

He looked over at me pouting, realizing I took some of his ice cream. "Here have some of mine, it's cookies and cream" I handed him mine.

His was caramel and it wasn't that bad. He took a bit of my ice cream and smiled. "You like it?" he nodded. "Then lets trade" he shook his head and held his ice cream away from me making me laugh.

Just then Hayes phone went off. He took it out of his pocket with his free hand and unlocked it.

His facial expression changed from happy to sad in seconds.

Then my phone went off.

H- I g2g Nash wants me home ;(

"It's okay want me to walk you?" he shook his head. "Okay, well I'm picking you up tomorrow, and no buts, now give me a kiss" I stood up and helped him up.

I pu my free hand on his hip since my other hand had my ice cream.

I pulled him towards and he placed his lips on mine, standing on his tippy toes. I pulled away after a minute and smiled.

"Now get your sweet ass home and text me when you get there" he nodded. I smiled proudly seeing that he's blushing from my word's.

I watched as he walked down the trail and then disappeared.

I walked over to me car and drove out of the riverbed and to my house. When I was and a red lightI heard my phone go off.

I unlocked it and saw it was Hayes.

H- I'm home now

A- k baby thx

I turned off my phone and continued to drive once the light turned green.

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