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There's two week's left of school. Exams are starting and then off to the eleventh grade for me.

I feel bad for going against Aaron. He's been so good to me and I had to go and think I'm bigger then I am.

Nash has been ignoring me. Like always. I don't understand. He could just go ahead and be a supportive brother and respect my dissension.

I've always been there for him even if he's a dick sometimes. He's my brother, I love him of course.

It was nearing lunch and I grew even more nervous. I stared at the clock as I tapped my fingertips against my math textbook.

The bell rang and everyone quickly grabbed their things while I took my time.

Aaron won't trust me anymore once I tell him. He'll probably think I'll go behind his back more.

I walked out of the classroom, going to my locker.

There was a weight on my shoulders. My stomach was unsettling and I felt uncomfortable. Like I was out of place, more then I already was. 

I headed for the cafeteria after I put all of my things in my locker.

When I came face to face with the cafeteria doors I look through the window and saw Aaron at the back of the room, waiting for me.

I took a deep breath before walking to the room of screaming, laughing and drama.

My heart rate increased as I grew closer and closer to the back of the room. I bit my lip nervously when Aaron's table came into view.

I went over and sat down beside him. He didn't notice me since he was making a face out of his veggies.

"A-Aaron.." I stuttered. "Oh hey babe when did you get here?" he smiled widely. "Just a minute or two ago" I smiled nervously.

I watched as he continued to make the face out of carrots and celery.

"A-Aaron I need to tell you something" I finally spoke up. "Kay, what's up?" he turned his attention towards me.

"I-I went to the party without t-telling you and now I-I feel really bad and I-I'm sorry" my voice was shakey as I spoke. I was nervous of course, how can I not at a time like this.

"It's okay. I'm glad that you told me and didn't keep it from me. Now, only a day of no affection not two. Starting after lunch of course" I sighed in relief.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank- wait, after lunch?" "mm-hm" he smiled. I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arm around me.

I looked up at him and he pecked my lips, making me smile widely and giggle slightly.

"Aaron?" I grew eger. "Yeah babe?" he turned his gaze away from the over crowded room to me. "Kiss me again?" he nodded with a small smile.

He leaned in till his lips connected with mine. He deepened the kiss by pulling me closer if possible, he held me by my waist as I gripped on to his shoulders for the life of me.

I felt his tounge gaze across my bottom lip but I declined.

We're in the middle of seventy-five percent of the school and starting a heated kiss in front of everyone is the last thing I want.

"Why not after twelve?" I asked once I pulled away. "Fine after twelve" "yay" I slightly cheered.

Just then the bell rang.

"But your coming over to my place and that ass is mine" he said while gathering his things before leaving.

I felt my face burn as I put my things together, watching him walk out of the cafeteria.

I'm done for.

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I watched as Aaron and Hayes kissed.

I don't know why but something about it makes me feel off. I'm not saying I'm worried for any of the two but I just feel strange about it.

When I see Hayes walking in the halls I catch myself thinking what it would be like if I hugged him, or even held him.

Thinking about all of this just makes me wonder about my sexuality. Yeah some girls are hot, and yeah some guy's are hot too.

But I haven't really been up for a relationship with a girl lately. I've tried to hook up with girls at party's and it's not working.

Like cupid flicked a switch and now I'm confused and can't tell who or what I want.

Like I'm lost.

Coach almost benched me our last game. I missed five shoots and usually I sink every shoot I take.

Nash has been pissed lately. He's been talking to Taylor about trying to keep Aaron way from Hayes. 

If they love each other their meant to be. They seem happy together and to just turn around and take that away, is screwed up.

You just don't fuck with love.

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