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I was spending the night at Johnson's. He told me his mom was making home made tacos and I was here in 5 minutes.

We sat in his room playing video games and texting people, killing time.

Jj was acting different, like he was holding something in, or like he wanted to say something.

"You okay dude" I questioned. For some reason it didn't feel right calling him that. Like it just didn't belong, I needed to call him something else but I didn't know what.

"I'm fine dude, just stressed about college" he smiled. Even that seemed off. But I let it go and nodded.

After playing a few video games and doing other things his mom yelled, dinner being ready.

We race down the stairs, pushing each other out if the way.

Once we got to the dinning room we sat next to each other. Johnson mom brought out the tacos and toppings and told us to dig in.

Johnson's dad was stuck at work and his siblings were spending time with friends and family.

While Johnson's mom was getting drinks we made our plates.

I went to go get some bean's only to have my hand come in contact with Johnson's.

I looked over at him and he smiled shyly and blushed. I pulled my hand away. "You first" I smiled. He just smiled back and got what he needed and I did the same.

After a while, Jack didn't eat much of his food, it was just deep in thought.

"Hey, you okay man?" I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, sorry, just thinking" and with that he went back to eating.

That's not like him.

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I don't know how to say this but. I think I like Jack.

I've always felt a attraction to guy's but I just brushed it off as nothing or convinced myself it's normal. But this time I can't.

I can't keep lying to myself because I have to be "Normal".

The past few month's every time I'm around Jack I get nervous. My breathing quickens and same with my heart beat. My hands sweat and my lips and throat dry up.

And him sleeping over is just making me panic.

After talking with my mom and Jack, my mom got called back to the hospital.

Leaving Jack and I.

We sat in the living room watching movie's. A hour after my mom left we changed into our pajamas.

After the last movie was over Jack put on a scary one.

"Really Jack?" I whined. "What? It'll be fine, you'll probably fall asleep halfway through or you'll find reasons to leave the room every five minutes"

I opened my mouth to say something back but nothing came out. He wasn't lying.

He started the movie, the title screen saying LIFE. (A/n: that movie gave me ptsd😂)

"Johnson, this movie isn't even that scary, you'll be fine" Jack assures me.

Half way through the movie a alien thing is trying to kill everyone and I'm about to cry

I was half way on Jack's lap, my arm's wrapped around his neck, hiding my face in his shoulder.

What surprised me was he didn't care. He held me till the movie was over.

When it got to the end credits I got up off of him, blushing hard.

"I'm gonna go back upstairs" I explained. I was too embraced to make eye contact with him but waited for a answer.

"Okay, I'll be up in a few minutes, I just gotta turn everything off" I smile shyly and nod, quickly heading upstairs.

I got to my room and shut the door slightly. I sat on my bed and looked down at my hand's.

I can't believe that happen.

I figured he would have shoved me off of him or called me names.

I don't know if I should be happy or shocked.

But why would he like a guy like me? I'm tiny, scrawny. I'm basically paper weight to him.

He has every girl handed to him, he has everything any guy could want.

Am I really gay?

As I was lost in thought Jack came in the room. I paid no attention to him, still thinking, but knowing he's there.

He came and sat down beside me.

There was a moment where we didn't talk. I think he was just giving me time, without knowing why I need it.

After a few minutes I heard him digging through his pockets.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I looked over at him, seeing him holding a bronze coin.

I accept the coin and hold it in between my finger's.

"Jack...?" I trailed off. "Yeah?" "I tell you this, promise you won't leave me?" I felt my heartbeat pick up.

"I promise"

I licked my lips as they were starting to get dry. I took a few second's to build up the courage.

"I-I'm gay" I finally spoke up after a solid minute.

Without a word, he placed his hand under my chin and the next this I'm meet with is his lips.

I kissed back, gently placing my hand's on his neck, he grasping on to my waist.

We pulled away for air and I giggled slightly. "You too?" He only nodded, smiling widely.

I chuckled at his response. "Be my boyfriend?" He asked. I nodded quickly, smiling widely.

Sleepovers, wow.

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Yay, more character info. I hope you guy's like it. We're getting close ish to the end.

I love you guy's, stay beautiful- Nelly

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