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When I got home from Aaron's my butt was a little tender but I could bear it.

The house was cold and quiet.

Usually all of Nash's friends will be over, or Nash will be watching tv, my mom will be having a dinner party or you could hear a faint bed creaking and banging on the wall, signaling that Nash is making STD's.

I went and looked all through the house for anyone and no one was home. But Zan and I.

I went into the kitchen, on a search for food. After looking through the fridge for a good five minutes, nothing really screamed 'Eat me!'.

Giving up I headed for the living room and jumped on the couch, laying down.

Soon enough I found myself becoming bored at looking at my home screen for three minutes.

I shoot up at the sound of the doorbell. It's almost eight at night! Maybe it could be Aaron. But normally he'll walk right in.

I slowly got up, taking my time to answer the door.

My heart was hammering against my chest as I heard it pounding in my ears. My palms were pooling lakes.

When I approached the door I looked through the peap hole and who I seen shocked me.

I quickly opened the door,


"Hey Hayes. Mind if I, come in?" I bit my lip nervously, nodding opening the door wider for him to come in side.

He stepped inside and there was silence between the two of us.

"Jack what are you doing here?" I was a bit annoyed but shocked. It confused me.

"Well I had nothing to do and wanted to see if you wanted to hangout?" he said more like a question.

"Yeah, okay" I lead us into the living room and we sat down.

We made small talk as I let Jack pick the movie. He sat a little close to me but it didn't bother me.

He started the movie he chose, Cloverfield.

Half way through the movie or so Jack started to move closer to me. I didn't care. Maybe he's uneasy or he's uncomfortable.


"Yeah?" I asked quietly.

Then the two word's came out of his mouth.

"Kiss me"

"Jack I-" "Hayes I'll do anything just please..." he pleaded.

"Jack don't get me wrong, you're really hot, and if I wasn't with Aaron we will be sucking each other's faces, but I can't-"

I was cut off by his lips slamming against mine.

He pulled me closer to him and I let him. My first thought was to push him away be I didn't, I tangled my fingers through his hair as I pulled at his roots.

He pulled me on to his lap and tightened his grip on my hip, so tight I was terrified of his fingers creating bruises.

I pulled away as I started to grow light headed.

Jack put hunger and lust into the kiss and I wasn't in the right head space and I'm not sure what to do now.

I quickly got up off of him.

"J-Jack you have to leave now, keep this between us for both of our sakes, please just go" he only nodded.

He grabbed his thing's and marched out of the house, slamming the door behind himself.

I immediately brusted into tears.

I grabbed my phone and called Aaron.

"Hey- what's wrong?" he cut himself off when he heard my sobs. "C-Can you come over? P-Please" "I'll be over in five" he spoke in a stern voice and the line went dead.

What have I done?

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A/N: This is more or less a filler. I feel like I tried to put too much into one chapter too fast but tell me what you guy's think please.

Vote & comment it makes my day.

I love you guy's, stay safe, stay beautiful, bye.

~ Nelly

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