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Your heart

I could have pushed him away but I didn't.

Is more then a machine

He probably only came over to kiss me and make everything go wrong.

Pumping blood through your body doing things you've never seen

It felt like I was drugged and lost control of my choices and actions.

Their words come like aarows when they fly

I heard the door open and close and tears flowed down my hot cheeks.


"Baby what happen?" he came and sat next to me on the couch. I didn't speak, I didn't open my mouth, I didn't want to look at him.

I stayed quiet as more and more tears ran down my face.

"Hayes talk to me, what happen?" his voice was stern.

Fear then shoot through me like a bullet. He'll hate me. He'll lose a friend. Maybe he'll push me around at school.

But your more them bullets

This time it was true. I cheated on him. But this time it was forced. It felt as if I was being pressured to kiss Jack.

"Hayes" he sounded annoyed, angred, and even a little hurt.

Like the city's more then steal and stone

I kept my eyes on the floor. I didn't dare to look up or look anywhere around Aaron. Like if I moved my eyes one inch a bullit will be through my head.

Soon your heart is gonna over flow

"I kissed Jack" I spoke quietly, so quiet I almost didn't even hear myself speak.

Push back down you'll get up again

I felt weight being lefted off the couch. He's leaving. That's it, he doesn't want me anymore.

"Hayes" he spoke softly. This time, I looked up at him.

He was kneeling in front of me. His eye's held so much hurt I knew I could only take the blaim for it.

"I-I'Im not mad-" I cut him off. "Aaron,...please let me explain?" he only nodded.

"I came home from you place and then unexpectedly Jack came over. We were watching a movie that's when he asked me to kiss him. I told him no but he pleaded with me and I still told me no, but he kissed me anyway" I felt the tears well up in my eye's again.

Your more then a Machine

"I wanted to push him away, I really did but it felt like something was forcing me to kiss him. If I had to lose everything I have to make it go away, I-I would" I whimpered.

I was telling the truth. I just don't want to lose Aaron. I can't.

He's all I have.

He opened his mouth but shut it again.

To my surprise he leaned forward and smashed his lips into mine. Kissing me passionately.

I pulled away and searched his eye's for any emotion, finding nothing.

"What are you feeling?" I bit my lip nervously. "I'm not sure, but all I know is that if you ever think that because you kissed someone is gonna tear us apart, try harder Hayes"

He reconnected our lips. He pulled me down on to his lap, gripping onto my waist tightly.

I moaned in discomfort from the bruises Jack left but I could care less.

After a minute or two I pulled away, laying my head on his shoulder, nuzzling up him.

He held me close. He kissed the top of my head making me smile slightly.

"Aaron?" I spoke quietly. "Hmm?" "Why aren't you mad at me?" I bit my lip. The room grew quiet.

I felt my heart rate increase out of how nervous I felt.

"'Cause you did nothing wrong Hayes. You felt like the kiss was forced and that's not your fault, and plus, you don't deserve the weight of my anger on your shoulders" he explained.

I moved away from him so I could look at him. "I'm just worried I hurt you..that's all..." "Hayes, you didn't, I promise" he smiled reassuringly.

Without a word I leaned in and connected my lips with his. He immediately kissed back.

I tangled my fingers through his hair while he gripped my waist, pulling me closer.

I just don't want to hurt him.

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