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I texted Aaron when I got to my place and stepped inside.

I walked into the living room and saw Nash had pizza and a can of pop.

"I got pizza if you wanted any" he continued to watch what ever sport was playing, I think it was baseball?

By now I was done my ice cream and was hungry. I didn't eat anything today, beside the nicely make ham sandwich Aaron made and shared with me and the ice cream.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a case of coca-cola and box of pizza. I got a plate and took 2 slices of the pizza.

Not really caring what kind it was. I grabbed a can of pop. I went into the living room and sat down a seat or two away from Nash.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Aaron while I ate.

Our conversation was funny but yet weird. We we're talking about school and joking around with one an other.

"Who are you texting?" I looked up at Nash as I took a bite of my pizza, feeling a bit confused.

"Who are you texting? They seem to be making you really happy I just wanna know who" He explained.

I texted him, 'my friend who works at a ice cream shop' that text head lie written all over it.

He unlocked his phone and read the text.

"Okay, just wondering, so your not seeing anyone?" I shook my head feeling uncomfortable and nervous.

"Who's sweater are you wearing?" I texted 'Sammy's' another lie. He looked at his phone. "Kay" is all he said.

I got up and went to the kitchen, throwing way the rest of my food and grabbed another can of pop.

I went upstairs to my room and layed down and continued to text Aaron.

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Nash has never been so concerned about me, and the first day he gets back from break he's wondering why I'm smiling?

All of a sudden I have to be sad and depressed. I'm mute but that doesn't mean I have to be depressed about.

I was when I first became mute but that was for 6 months, a year.

I'm starting to wonder what he did on break. Did he drink too much? Inhaled something he should? Did some type of drug?

Nash has never worried about me before. Maybe he just wants to change his ways and step up to the big brother stage or, act.

But either way it's highly unlikely of him.

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The next day at school was more or less the same as the last. But I had gym, P.E.

We ended up playing basketball and I passed the ball to the other team.

Everyone who was on my team was giving me dirty looks in the change room and the other team was laughing at me.

Aaron and I layed outside by the oak tree at lunch. We ended up skipping the first to periods after that.

When I went home my mom had gotten home later that night. She ordered Chinese food and the three of us ate as a family.

She then brang up that it was nearing close to 5 years since I stoped talking.

I immediately felt bad and left the table and ran up to my room.

Why did she have to bring it up? Why couldn't she have left it alone. It seemed like she brang it up on purpose only to make me upset.

And that's where I layed and was currently. Laying in my bed, fully chothed still, starting at my ceiling with tears in my eye's.

I felt cold, uncomfortable, oddly out of place in my own room, my own home.

I sat up and picked up my phone and texted Aaron, hoping he was still awake.

H- Aaron?

I waited a minute, maybe even two and then '...' was presented on the screen, showing that he was typing.

A- Yea baby?

H- Can u come over?

A- Of course, y?

H- My mom just got home

A- K I'll come over

H- come through my window and don't drive ur car

A- k see u soon bby

Read at 11:13pm

I quickly got up and unlocked my window and left it open a bit. There's a tree out side my window Sammy and I used to climb when we were kid's so Aaron can just climb up the tree.

10 or so minutes later I heard someone walking across my yard slowly. I peaked out my window and saw it was just Aaron.

I didn't notice I was holding my breath till he got half way up the tree and I started to get light headed and saw little black dots in my vision.

I backed away from the window once Aaron got to the top of the window and climbed through and stood before me.

I didn't realize how much Aaron towered over me till now.

Just then I felt tears well up in my eye's and I hugged Aaron weakly, hiding my face in his chest.

He held me tightly and we stayed like that, none of us said a word. Nothing was heard but his heart beat echoing through my ears and my soft but faintly heard sobs.

I could barely even notice them myself, but yet, I was shaking slightly and trembling.

Aaron picked me up and walked over to my bed, setting me in his lap and cradling me till I calmed down a bit at least.

"What happen baby?" his voice was quiet and settling.

I managed to grab my phone and go into my note pad and type out, 'my mom mentioned that it's close to 6 years since I first became mute'.

I handed him my phone and watched as his eye's darted across the screen. As he was reading his facial expressions weren't readable. Like it was just a blank page.

He inhaled sharply, as if he didn't know what to say or how to put the word's together.

So he just held me, tightly. As if it was what he was trying to tell me.

A solid half hour went by of Aaron hugging me and kissing my my head or anywhere on my heard for that matter.

It was almost as if this moment was important to him,

As much as it was to me.

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