love (part 2)

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Love  (Part 2)

Love is when someone fills up the empty space in your heart . You feel your heart is filled up to the brim. Like you won't ever need anything anymore.

Love is when you let them touch the tender bruise on your heart . Although it hurts, you let them.

Love is when you feel the most comfortable with someone and you get along so well with them.

Love is when a person treats you extraordinarily , looks at you like you're magic .

It is when an eye contact gives you mixed feelings.
It is the thing that keeps you going on a tough road.

Love hurts yet it feels so good.
Love is based on hope and trust.

Love is when you care about the person.
Love is the messed up thing that you fight for.

Love is more than just butterflies ; it's everything that comes after.

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