Dear Shawn Mendes (Part 2)

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Dear Shawn Peter Raul Mendes ,

    It’s such an honour to have you living in this world , doing what you love. It amazes me how much passion you have for singing and music. I never thought the songs you sang would incredibly make a difference in my life . Jamming to your songs are my favourite part of the day. It annoys the hell out of my brother sometimes but he can’t help but to love your music too ! I also love looking at your photos and your interview videos 😂How could I ever resist your sassy comebacks and the angelic voice ? You’re goofy too and I love you the way you are. As a fan , I can’t comprehend the way I feel for you whenever you sing your heart out or simply saying you love the Mendes army. You care for your fans and we care for you too. I love Mendes army because we are united , thanks to you !
Oooooooh I got to praise your taste in fashion . I think you look astonishing and definitely enticing in suits . I love your hoodies too 💓 I think you look the cutest in your pink VANS hoodie , absolutely getting all the girls weak in their knees. I think you heard enough about your perfect smile but I got to tell you again how your smile uplifts my mood and brightens my day. If I’m having a rough day , all I need is a picture of you smiling , your songs and a cup of hot chocolate. It’s enough for me to keep moving (more than enough actually) . Meeting you someday is definitely at the top of my bucket list. It is a must-do before I die. I need to see you perform live and feel the rush of adrenaline. I would want to talk to you , express what I feel for you and your music. Meeting you would be a perfect and meaningful story to share with my future children.  I have to tell them how you became my idol and motivation. I’ve never felt this way before and this feeling and rush when I hear your name, songs and photos are mind-blowing. We may live thousand miles away but I always feel close to you with the help of your music. Thank you for producing music that has been where I look for comfort from . I hope you do well in your career, stay safe and sound and we’ll always support you . Happy birthday Shawn , hope you’re having a great day 💞

Love ,


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