a work in progress 🌟

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you are you. don’t let anybody define who you are or even change you. they don’t create your destiny. you create yours.

feeling lost ? don’t know what you’re doing? a little helpless? it’s okay, it’s not the end of the world!

it’s okay if you’re 17 and you don’t have your life figured out. it’s okay if your friends knows what they want to do already. it’s still isn’t too late. everybody is not the same. different people have different way of thinking and planning. it’s okay to still be deciding on what you want to do in the future. it’s your life, and you’re the pilot of it. not your parents’, siblings’, friends’ or enemies’. you don’t have to please anyone. you can tell your story any way you damn please. it’s your solo.

it’s okay if you fail, doesn’t mean that it is the end for you. you still have so much more to do and explore and experience.
grades doesn’t define you as a person. let your friends rave on about their marks to you. so what if they get perfect scores and shoves it to your face? it doesn’t fucking affect your life. let them be. let them be proud of something so small.

you just broke up with your partner? you feel like the world is crumbling down? you feel like it’s the end for you? you feel vulnerable? believe me, you’re not alone. at some point, we’ll all be there. it’s okay to feel lost. it’s okay to break down. remember, whatever happens, you are worth it and nothing can change that. so what if you’re single? embrace it. try to be independent. go live your life. backpack across europe. find a new hobby. explore new things. get lost in the music. go find yourself. self-discovery and self- embrace is important for a happy life.

fought with your friend? even though you think it’s their fault, be the bigger person. apologise first. everything is about give and take. no pain no gain, they say. they say genuine friends stays by your side through thick and thin. if they’re really your friend, they would accept you back.

something bad happened to you? trust me, every cloud has a silver lining. shit happens, life goes on. it’s only a bad day, not a bad life.

everybody is a work in progress. slowly, but surely, we’re all getting there. go discover yourself. you do you.

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