date the boy 💎

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Date the boy with unreal suggestion of sincerity in his eyes. Date the boy who puts his ego aside when it comes to you. Date the boy who gives you a reason to cherish life. Date the boy who you want to stand tall with. Date the boy ; the effortless beauty who dazzle everyone with his beautiful personality. Date the boy who doesn't even try to control your life. Date the boy who speaks highly of you ; respect you. Date the boy who holds himself accountable for whatever he did , wrong or right. Date the boy who rants to you and listen to your rants too. Date the boy who stays up all night , keeping his promise to ensure your safety. Date the boy who uplifts your mood when all you want to do is cry. Date the boy who likes going on a run with you at midnight. Date the boy who finds grocery shopping with you adventurous. Date the boy who knows your worth and shows it. Date the boy who irritates you by calling you cute names. Date the boy who doesn't try doing things you don't like. Date the boy who thinks you're cute when the truth is you're messed up. Date the boy who puts family first. Date that boy.

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