quality friendship 👫

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a friend in need is a friend indeed. friends come and go, but the true ones, stays.

to me, i like to keep my social circle small and friends lesser. why? lesser drama and misunderstandings.

a quality friendship is like a rollercoaster ride. it has its ups and downs. but in the end, its all good. 

a quality friendship is when you can tell all of your secrets to them, and do not even doubt them the slightest that they would spill your guts out to other people. you trust that person with all of your heart.

when you call them to tell how has your day been ;  be it good or bad, and they would listen to your endless rants and pondering, giving you feedbacks and their opinions and suggestions here and there.

a quality friendship is where you just look at their face and just burts out laughing like a maniac. where you have code names for people and secret glances and smirks.

a good frienship is random late night talks and random showing up at your friends' doorstep for an ice cream session together. sending ugly pictures without caring what your friends will think of.

there are a lot to a quality friendship. it all starts from you. you determine your friends.

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