heartbreak (part 1)

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The worst feeling in the world.

Your heart just breaks when he said its over, it's like a ton of bricks just hit your chest.  It's like a heart attack or even a panic attack, your windpipe feels so crushed and you don't have any space to breathe. You just sit there dumbfounded. everything just, crumbles. all your hopes, imaginations, dreams, just crash and burn. just like that.

And you just stare at the wall madly, then slowly, very slowly, you start to fall apart, muffled sobs becomes loud, ugly cries, and it leaves u heaving and gasping for air.Then, you just grabbed something from your study table and throw it so hard to the full length mirror and it cracked, u cried harder thinking about where you went wrong. Thinking how it would be different if you were to not fall for him, thinking how it would be different if you or him just don't exist, or if you guys didn't cross paths. You were thinking, is it my fault that he left me? was i no better than the skank he left me for? was I uglier? fatter? clingier? attached? more annoying? WHY? WHY ME?

Cue a week of crying and downing to depression by watching sad chick flicks and rom coms, cue calling your best friend to ask for support, cry to your mom and she magically makes u feel better well because she is your mom. You hugged your younger brother because he is the place you go when you're sad, and he just, makes you feel better.

and you thought, if he can feel happy? why cant i? then, you start to chat randomly with any guy you can get a hold of and you like the feeling and attention you were getting so you continued. To play around with them and leave them when everything gets real.

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