girl's insecurities 💃

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What are girls insecure about? HAHAHA EVERYTHING. From their hair, eyebrows, eyelash, eyes, eye colour, nose, lips, cheek, jawline, ears, body size, boobs, ass, thighs, clothes, weight, height, fingernail and even their toenails.

   This is because boys had set a very high standard for female's beauty. Girls are influenced to this perception where boys are very attracted to physical beauty. Every girl ought to have that hourglass body shape, long, silky hair, plump lips, big breasts and butts. The male population expects each and every girl to be like this.

Therefore, cue the depression, anorexia, bulimia, surgery and other mental illnesses. Why? It's because we girls yearn for their attention so much that we would do anything. Do you know millions of people does surgery just to look 'gorgeous' and they exactly look like Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner. Hell, some people might even take their lives for it. All for the attention and affection from boys or men. All for being their girlfriends and get dumped after they find someone who has a bigger breast and slimmer waist.

  Why do they feel insecure? It's because others look good. Or so they thought. It's because the cheerleader has big boobs and you don't. It's because the boy you like doesn't like you back and makes fun of you. It's because your ex has a new girlfriend who you think, is more gorgeous than you.

Girls, we can't avoid or ignore our insecurities. It is going to be there. Try to embrace your flaws. You are beautiful. You are wanted. But please, please, love yourself because if you don't, who will?

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