the listener 👂

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she is that girl. that listens to all of her friends' problems. 

'omg do you know he just broke up with me?'

'i like this boy, but he doesn't even knows my existence, what should i do?!?!'

'ew that bitch is so fucking annoying i wish i could stab her'

she slowly, patiently, tells her friends how to solve them all or get through it. never a time, the smile fades of her face. she's just there smiling at everyone. always there to help or assist you. never complains, whenever or whatever you rant to her. always there, listening.

never she burdened you with her life problems or even tells a gist of her life. 

  but little did you know, she herself is tired. very tired, to face life and even to breathe. she just wishes everybody would shut up and just listen to her for once. she just wishes everybody is not self-centered and just cares about her. 

she doesn't want to be just the listener. she wants to be heard too.

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