thin line between love and hate 😏

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He's that boy. The one who made you so angry. The one who has it all. Rich family, good grades, nice friends, cool clothes, sickeningly - handsome face, everything.

    Meanwhile you - plain, dull, not rich, no friends. He was the golden boy. You were the outcast. He got praised. You got bullied. Oh god, how much you hated him and want to put that million dollar smile away from his beautiful face.

   You curse him on a daily basis. Well he, he doesn't actually give a fuck.

Then, you guys had to work together on an assignment. You tried so hard to ignore him and do the work just by yourself. Well he tried to prod at every chance he has. Meaningless banters and petty fights.

  You and him got closer. Suddenly you don't  feel the hate anymore. He's actually a nice guy if you get to know him. He started to break your walls. You started to tell him your problems. You started seeing him for who he actually is. His true colours. He is the most humble, funny and caring guy you have ever met!¡

Then you realised, you are supposed to hate him. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? You pushed him away. He tried to reach you. He tried. You didn't.

You feel lost. sad. mad. depressed. You can't eat, sleep nor function well. You go to him and kissed the daylights out of him. You told him your crisis. He laughed. And laughed and laughed. He said, in between kisses, god you're so stupid.

And that's how I fell in love with the guy I hate. And true enough, there is a very, very thin line between love and hate ;)

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