crush 💔

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He's too attractive for his own good while I'm too attracted  for my own good. His presence makes my heart beat fast . I walk by him and feel the blood rush up to my cheeks. I barely know him , yet my words spill out unfiltered. He even got me speechless sometimes. Shaking and sweating, hesitating and fidgeting. Butterflies and nervousness, stutters and murmurs. It started with a little crush , really. He smiles when I walk past him then I realise the smile was for her. Messed with my feelings and he tore me apart. We call them crush because they break hearts in a hush. This bittersweet affection that I feel occupied with miserable nights and admiration for the new discoveries. Was certain it's his love that held me together. It's time to let him go now because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than him. 💔

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