my perfect partner

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Perfection is not what I'm chasing after . It's not about the money , looks , style , posh accents and perfect personality. Sure , it would be good if my perfect partner have all the things I stated above. The imperfections are the little things that make the whole picture interesting. My perfect partner is all about interesting minor details.

The way he smiles , the way his baby hair sticks out , the way his eyes shine and sparkle when he sees his favourite things.

I don't need an intermittent lover. We might fight but that's not the end of it . We make up because love matters more than our ego. Honesty is needed especially when it comes to our feelings. I don't like any of us putting on a facade if it's going to hurt us at the end of the day. I hope my days are filled with his laughter and his smiles . Happiness truly comes from the people you love .

I need my partner to understand me as I'm living a whole different universe and I have my madness and I'm soulful. We take every breath with love cause that's what we live for.

We visit the places we call home . Home is not limited to the place you live and grow , it's beyond that. Capture my eyes but it doesn't mean my heart will be captured too. My partner makes a special connection the way others couldn't. My partner has the most beautiful eyes , the ones that shines with hope . Doesn't have to be icy blue or gorgeous green , they are perfect the way they are. I stare when I see beautiful things. I love the feeling when a good song invokes and he feels it too.

I love it if we're both vulnerable, we'll take care of each other better cause we know how vulnerable we both are. My partner is wild and he brings me adventures that I'll never regret. He unveils the beauty of the dark and shows me how our love could go further. He is my hope , he is my guidance. The important thing is that we both spend lots of time together and just enjoy each other's company. I will definitely fall for him like gravity has let go of the Earth.

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