unrequited love

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Simple. You like him, but he doesn't like you back.

I have been stalking this cute guy on Instagram for weeks. Then suddenly, I got a chance to talk to him as we were in the same tuition class. Then we started chatting. Day in day out, we chatted about the most random thing. It's funny how we clicked so easily.

Whenever my phone chimes, I would always hope that it's him. Just receiving a simple hello from him would make my day. He just makes me smile so easily. We would ask about each others day and maybe some personal stuff.

Then I realised. I realised that I'm liking him a little too much. But at that moment, he has to put my hopes down by telling me about a girl he has been crushing on.

Oh this girl is so pretty, so dreamy, so perfect blah blah blah. I started to get jealous. What can i do? I just can listen to him ramble about his dream girl and just hope he forgets her knowing that I can't do anything. but what if he doesn't?

I ask myself. Sometimes, when he talks too much about the girl, I cry myself to sleep. Knowing that I would never be that girl, knowing that I would never be as perfect as her.

So I tried. Tried so hard to be like her. Act like her, start talking like her, dressed up like her and just basically be like her. He started to drift away from me as he realised that in midst of being perfect like her, we started to connect lesser and lesser. And one day, he stopped talking to me. Just like that. All these one and a half year of me talking to him just went down to the drain.

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