self - love 🖤

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It is the best form of love. It starts with you.

Oh my God, am I too fat? too thin? why is my shoulder so broad? why are my boobs too small? too big? is my hair too long? too short perhaps? why aren't my lips like kylie jenner's? why aren't my eyebrow game is as strong as cara delevigne's? why do I have asian eyes? why are my eyes too round? too dull? why the mono lid? why the long, sharp nose? why am I hairy? why is my teeth crooked? why don't I have a jawline? why doesn't he like me? why doesn't she like me? why don't I have muscles? why don't I have abs? why don't I have a lean body? WHY?Why not? what is so bad about being a size 10? what is so bad about having a broad shoulder? what is so bad about having fast metabolism and people thinking that you're anorexic? It's not your fault. What is wrong with having small boobs? It's okay if you don't have muscly arms, its okay.

THERE ARE NOTHING WRONG ABOUT IT! YOU ARE JUST PERFECT! YOU ARE ENOUGH! It's okay if other people have it. So what? If u want a figure so great, work for it. Have a balanced diet, hit up the gym, go for runs. Do whatever it takes you to achieve your goals. In a healthy and legal way that is.

People say, in order to fall in love with someone else, you have to love yourself first. How to love another person if you don't love yourself? How to let a person cherish you if you do not start first? Feel confident in your skin, you are going to live in it for a long time. It doesn't matter what people say about you. They are just jealous of you. Don't let them get into your mind. Don't. Just don't. " I can't do this anymore" DON'T GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!

Get up, be stronger and wiser ; show them that you are not weak. Don't let  a petty remark make you give everything away. Stand up and fight back. I know you can do this! Believe in yourself✨

So, what I am trying to say is, self - love starts from you. everything starts from you. You are the core to your strength. If you don't love yourself, who will?

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