she wants to feel pretty too

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She was sick of feeling ugly.

She was sick of feeling below everyone else.

She wants to be loved the same. She wants to be desirable for who she is.

She thought she was the epitome of unattractive. She can't look at herself without wishing she looked like someone else. She cried herself to sleep , soaking up her pillows with tears all night. She was so disgusted by her own reflection. Her insecurities were eating her up.

People said she was pretty , beautiful and cute. But never desirable. She thought why isn't she desirable but some questions have no answer. She tried to see what they saw in her but all she saw was someone unworthy of love and what she called ugliness. Cue all the hate blooming in her.

She had confidence, but all it takes was a bad picture of her , gorgeous girls and boys laughing at her to bring her down and she had to start from square one to rise once again. She wondered and pondered what it's like to be the pretty girl all guys fall for.

She just wants to feel pretty too.

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