what makes you cry😢

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Failure. Heartbreaks. Rejection. Loss. Sappy movies. Touching songs. Appreciation. Love. Those are the things that makes me cry.

Failure. When i failed my Additional Mathematics test, I don't let any of my friends see that I'm weak. Just smiled through it. I know it's my fault for not studying. But oh well, who am i kidding, I cried so hard in the shower, ugly tears, hoping the cascading of the shower down all my tears.

When I get a bad exam mark, i just feel ; defeated. I just cry and cry and cry.

Heartbreaks. Well, I never experienced the 'love' kind of heart break, but there are other forms of heart breaks, aren't there? It's just like your heart crumble piece by piece and everything just collapse. Here comes the numb feeling, then slowly, just slowly the tears starts to fall.

Rejection. Of not being wanted. Being pushed away. It hurts. So fucking much. When you tried so hard and it turns its back on you. Everything just backfires. You sat there and thought, what does she have that I don't have it? Why me? Why? It hurts.

Loss. Death. Someone just leaves you. Just like that. You didn't even have the chance to say goodbye. They just leave you. No one to laugh with, make fun of people with, cry with ; no one.

Sappy movies. Touching songs. Oh, you might not even relate to their stories, but just by watching or listening to them, they hit a part of your gut, and the tears just let loose.

Appreciation. When someone values you. They thank you. Just for a little gesture. It touches my heart. More than i want it to. Out of joy, I just cry😂

Love. No, it doesn't need to be about sexual relationships. Maybe your family or friends. As the saying goes ; love hurts. When you fight or disagree, when they turn their backs on you, when they leave you. You have no one to depend on. You just feel alone and the water works just starts.

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