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Your dreams define you. You are your dreams. We all have our own dreams.

Well for me, I have plenty of them. Since I still do not know what my ambition is, my goal for now is to pass my exams� and get straight A's . Then, I would like to continue my studies in a university. Preferably in Australia, because my parents claim that the place is nice ; and I have been to Perth and man, their food and place is just fantastic. Also, their people are very friendly and that place is just gives out that homey feeling. Previously, I wanted to pursue my studies in the United Kingdom, but oh well who am I kidding, the fees costs an arm and a leg�. I have to be smart enough to get a scholarship to even step my feet there. Bottom line, I just want to ace my exams and study until I become somebody useful.

It is because I know how much it means to my parents. I know they want to see their only daughter to be successful and wealthy. They have always wanted the best for their kids. Which parent doesn't? So I have to work my ass off to make sure my parents are proud of me. Every child in this world want to make their parents proud, don't they?

Secondly, I would love to travel the world! New places, new people, new situations, new cultures, new food, new environment. There are a few places that I want to travel. Firstly, I would like to explore Sabah and Sarawak. I have been to all the states in Malaysia except for those two. I would love to experience their food and just have a stroll at their beautiful beaches. [ i am a beach girl at heart ] Also, I would love to visit beaches at Bali, Thailand, Maldives, Brazil and a few parts of Spain and Greece. Next, I would love to visit Singapore and Brunei as they are my neighbouring country and has beautiful sightings!

Then, I would love to visit the United Kingdom! I have a thing for British accent and also, their famous monuments! That place is just picture perfect. I would also love to travel to Paris, France! Its the city of love after all. I want to experience the magical world of love! {macarons also} Adding to the list, I would love to visit a few parts of Italy, namely Milan and Florence. Milan is a shopping heaven and Florence ( Amsterdam too) has beautiful sceneries. Not just that, I LOVE ITALIAN FOOD! PIZZA!!! Then, I would love to visit Mexico and India because of their amazing food! I just basically want to travel to all parts of the world before I die.

My next dream is to go to Canada and also try my luck to meet my idol, love of my life, apple of my eye, S H A W N M E N D E S �. He has been such an inspiration to me and his music has helped me to go through hard times. He is just perfection!

[ if i go further, i would not stop ]

Next, I would like to be a philanthropist after retiring. Helping those in need would be a pleasure and I have been trained by my parents to do good deeds to the less fortunate. I have this silly dream when I was 8 ; which is to collect all those people who are sleeping outside big buildings and give them shelter, food , medical help, haircut, shower and everything�

Finally, my last dream is to fall in love. really�. I have never fall in love and I feel that one day, I need to settle down; so with that I need to fall in love with the right person. There might be one or two wrong ones, but eventually I will find the one, right? I just want to experience everything with the one I love.

Well I guess that is the end of it. We all have to work hard to achieve what we want and to be happy in this world. I believe with hardship, comes ease.

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