what ifs

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overthinking kills you.

what if he 

fell out of love with me?

doesn't love me the same anymore?

forgets about me?

gets bored of me?

finds another girl?

gets tired of me?

doesn't like what i wore today?

doesn't want to commit?

hates my family and friends?

doesn't approve of my dreams and hobbies?

what if she

doesn't like the way i dress up?

wants more from me?

doesn't like my friends?

wants me to be there for her when i can't?

cheats on me?

gets fed up with my breakdowns and meltdowns?

hates listening to my stories?

leaves me?

expects me to give her flowers every day?

wants me to like her friends even though they just want to flirt with me?

thinks that im not good enough for her?

overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. go out there and enjoy life while it lasts!

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