Chapter Two: Meeting Green, Part 2.

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A/N: This chapter will be written in Brody's POV. Enjoy!

EDITED ON JUNE 22ND, 2019 @ 10:16PM




EVER SINCE THE GREEN RANGER showed up yesterday, I've been thinking on who it could be. "Do you guys have any idea on who the Green Ranger might be?" Calvin asked. I thought for a moment. "It couldn't be..." I think to myself. "Guys, I think I know who the Green Ranger is." I said. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Ten years ago, I had a childhood friend named Trent Evans. We would train together. His father and my father were Ninja Masters and best friends. When the Ninja Prism came to my father, Trent's father and my father became Power Rangers. Trent's father was the Green Ranger, and my father was the Red Ranger." I explained. "Wait. What about the new kid? His name was Trent. Could he be your childhood friend?" Preston asked.

"He didn't say his last name. It might be a different one. Besides, that was the last time I saw Trent. I don't know where he is now." I replied. Sarah sighed. "Is there a possible chance that this might be him though?" She asked. I shrugged. "Only one way to find out. We ask him to show his identity the next time he shows up." I replied. Everyone else nodded.

There ended up being an attack. My team and I headed out. We arrived at the scene. "It's morphing time!" I shouted. "Power Star Lock In!" All of us shouted. "Ninja Spin!" We finished as we morphed and began fighting the monster. He attacked us and we all fell to the ground. "You can't stop me, Rangers!" The monster exclaimed. "Maybe not, but I can!" I heard someone shout.

"Green Ranger!" Preston exclaimed. We watched as the Green Ranger was fighting the monster. "You think you can beat me?" The monster asked. "I know I can." Green Ranger replied. That's when the monster attacked him. His body glowed green as he demorphed. I thought we would finally get to see who the Green Ranger was, but he got slammed into some boxes as the boxes fell on top of him.

I got up and continued to attack the monster. The others joined in. We knocked the monster down. That's when the Green Ranger appeared, morphed as he attacked the monster. "Till next time, Rangers!" The monster exclaimed as he disappeared. The Green Ranger was about to leave until I stopped him. "Wait!" I called before he left.

The Green Ranger stopped and turned. "You've helped us a lot. I think we deserve to know who you are." I said. The Green Ranger stopped and walked over to us. "I'll tell you soon. But now is not the time." He informed as he left. I was tempted to follow him to find out who he is, but Calvin stopped me. "He'll tell us when he's ready, Brody." Calvin told me. I just nodded.

"You're right." I said. We were back at school. I looked up when I saw Trent walk up to us. "Hey, guys." Trent said as he sat down next to me. He looked like he was all beaten up. His green flannel was torn to shreads and his face was all bruised. "What happened to you?" Calvin asked. Trent looked up. "You guys wouldn't believe me if I told you." Trent replied.

He turned to me. "Brody, can I talk to you for a moment... privately?" He asked, looking at the others. "Yeah, sure." I answered as we both got up and headed into an empty hallway. "Seriously, what did happen to you?" I asked. Trent sighed. "Listen, something strange happened to me. And I feel like if I don't talk to someone about this, I'm going to explode." He stated.

"Well, you can talk to me Trent." I informed him. Trent digged in his pocket and was about to pull something out until the bell rang. "Tell me later, all right?" I told him. "Yeah." Trent said. Just as I was about to head to class, I could've sworn I saw something that looked like a green Ninja Power Star going back into Trent's pocket. "I'm probably seeing things..." I thought.

I was at the base with the others. "So you didn't find out who the Green Ranger was?" Mick asked. Preston shook his head. "Brody asked him. But he just told us he would tell us soon and now isn't the time." He said. "We almost saw his identity when the monster demorphed him. But he was covered by boxes and when he came out his was morphed again." Hayley said.

"And you wanna know what's even weirder? One of our friends who's a new kid at school named Trent came in all beaten up." Calvin stated. "Yeah like he got into a fight." Preston added. "Speaking of which, Brody, what did Trent want to tell you?" Sarah asked. I turned to look at her. "No clue. The bell rang before he told me." I answered. Sarah just nodded.

I sighed. This whole Green Ranger thing was stressing me out. I could tell it was stressing out the others as well. The others had gone home for the night, while I was still at the base. I got something out of what looked like a book. "Brody, what are you still doing here at this time of night?" Redbot asked me.

"Still trying to figure out who this Green Ranger is. It has to be Trent, Redbot. It has to be." I answered. I opened up the book and looked through pictures of Trent, Aiden, and I when we were younger. He looked just like the Trent at school. I knew the Trent at school was the Trent I knew ten years ago. There was just one question in my mind.

"If he is the Trent from my childhood, then why doesn't he remember me?"


A/N: Sorry that this chapter took so long in coming out. I was busy for the whole summer updating my other books. Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1031 words.

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